_acc\pos | Double | Acceleration POS parameter (mm/sec^2) |
_acc\decel_pos | Double | Acceleration DECEL POS parameter (mm/sec^2) |
_acc\ori | Double | Acceleration ORI parameter (deg/sec^2) |
_acc\oriz | Double | Acceleration ORIZ parameter (deg/sec^2) |
_acc\axis | Double | Acceleration AXIS parameter (deg/sec^2) |
_accpath\pathacc | Double | Path acceleration parameter (mm/sec^2) |
_accpath\pathdec | Double | Path deceleration parameter (mm/sec^2) |
_interpolation_mode | Integer | Interpolation mode based on following mapping: 0 -> Note set/used, 1 -> AKIMA_CONTOUR, 2 -> AKIMA_SPLINE |
_jerk\pos | Double | Jerk POS parameter (mm/sec^3) |
_jerk\ori | Double | Jerk ORI parameter (deg/sec^3) |
_jerk\oriz | Double | Jerk ORIZ parameter (deg/sec^3) |
_jerk\axis | Double | Jerk AXIS parameter (0-100%) |
_instruction1 … _instruction5 | String | String DUERR instruction (such as RECEIVE, RECEIVE END, SyncLookahead, etc.) sent to the RCS module. If <5 instructions are to be sent to the RCS module, first "_instruction1", then if necessary "_instruction2", then if necessary "_instruction3" and finally, if necessary, "_instruction4" attributes should be set. "_instruction#" attributes are scanned starting from #=1 and incrementing by one until either the attribute is not defined or its value is an empty string. These attributes are non-modal. |
_limiter_override | Double | Limiter override parameter (0-100%) |
_movestatus | Integer | Move status type based on following mapping: 0 -> RRS Trajectory mode = OFF 1 -> RRS Trajectory mode = ON |
_overlap\type | Integer | Overlap type based on following mapping: 0 -> Note set/used, 1 -> FINE, 2 -> VEL, 3 -> POS, 4 -> CPOS, 5 -> CART, 6 -> PTP |
_overlap\vel | Double | Overlap VEL parameter (0-100%) |
_overlap\pos | Double | Overlap POS parameter (mm) |
_overlap\ori | Double | Overlap ORI parameter (deg) |
_overlap\oriz | Double | Overlap ORIZ parameter (deg) |
_overlap\axis | Double | Overlap AXIS parameter (0-100%) |
_ramp\type | Integer | Ramp type based on following mapping: 0 -> Note set/used, 1 -> TRAPEZOID, 2 -> SINUSOID, 3 -> TRIANGLE |
_ramp\factor | Double | Ramp factor (unitless) |
_rrs_duerr_start_lookahead | Integer | Non-modal attribute. If set to a non-zero value, StartLookahead instruction is sent to the RCS module. |
_rrs_duerr_stop_lookahead | Integer | Non-modal attribute. If set to a non-zero value, StopLookahead instruction is sent to the RCS module. |
_trigger1 ... _trigger5 | String | Duerr Trigger instruction assumed to be formatted as "%d,%s,%s,%f,%f,%f,%s,%s,%s" where each field is interpreted (in order) as follows: %d -> RRS event ID (integer), %s -> Trigger name (string), %s -> Trigger Tag (string), %f -> Trigger Frame NX (float), %f -> Trigger Frame NY (float), %f -> Trigger Frame NZ (float), %s -> Trigger Instruction Argument #1 (string), %s -> Trigger Instruction Argument #2 (string), %s -> Trigger Instruction Argument #3 (string). If <5 triggers are to be sent to the RCS module, first "_trigger1", then if necessary "_trigger2", then if necessary "_trigger3" and finally, if necessary, "_trigger4" attributes should be set. "_trigger#" attributes are scanned starting from #=1 and incrementing by one until either the attribute is not defined or its value is an empty string. These attributes are non-modal. |
_trigger_par | String | Trigger parameter string sent "as is" to the RCS (if not an empty string) |
_vel\pos | Double | Velocity POS parameter (mm/sec) |
_vel\ori | Double | Velocity ORI parameter (deg/sec) |
_vel\oriz | Double | Velocity ORIZ parameter (deg/sec) |
_vel\axis | Double | Velocity POS parameter (0-100%) |
_velpath | Double | Path velocity (mm/sec) |