Duerr EcoRC2 RRS Profiles/Attributes

This section describes the attributes that are supported by the Duerr EcoRC2 RRS interface.

See Also
Duerr EcoRC2 RRS Servers
Duerr EcoRC2 RRS Interface

DUERR ECORC2 Attributes for Robot Motion

This RRS interface supports the following Controller-Specific V6 Attributes. If used, they must first be defined on the very first Robot Motion activity in the robot's program and can then be defined on subsequent Robot Motion activities to change their value as needed.

Attributes specified as being "non-modal" do not preserve their value from one move activity to the next and hence must be set on each move activity even if their value is the same.

For structure attributes, i.e. those that have a "\" in the attribute name, each component attribute must be defined in the order shown below. When these attributes are used, they will be the primary source of data that this RRS interface sends to the RCS module and will override any default mapping that may otherwise be supported.

Attribute Name Attribute TypeCorresponding DUERR ECORC2 Parameter
_acc\pos Double Acceleration POS parameter (mm/sec^2)
_acc\decel_pos Double Acceleration DECEL POS parameter (mm/sec^2)
_acc\ori Double Acceleration ORI parameter (deg/sec^2)
_acc\oriz Double Acceleration ORIZ parameter (deg/sec^2)
_acc\axis Double Acceleration AXIS parameter (deg/sec^2)
_accpath\pathacc Double Path acceleration parameter (mm/sec^2)
_accpath\pathdec Double Path deceleration parameter (mm/sec^2)
_interpolation_mode Integer Interpolation mode based on following mapping: 0 -> Note set/used, 1 -> AKIMA_CONTOUR, 2 -> AKIMA_SPLINE
_jerk\pos Double Jerk POS parameter (mm/sec^3)
_jerk\ori Double Jerk ORI parameter (deg/sec^3)
_jerk\oriz Double Jerk ORIZ parameter (deg/sec^3)
_jerk\axis Double Jerk AXIS parameter (0-100%)
_instruction1 … _instruction5 String String DUERR instruction (such as RECEIVE, RECEIVE END, SyncLookahead, etc.) sent to the RCS module. If <5 instructions are to be sent to the RCS module, first "_instruction1", then if necessary "_instruction2", then if necessary "_instruction3" and finally, if necessary, "_instruction4" attributes should be set. "_instruction#" attributes are scanned starting from #=1 and incrementing by one until either the attribute is not defined or its value is an empty string. These attributes are non-modal.
_limiter_override Double Limiter override parameter (0-100%)
_movestatus Integer Move status type based on following mapping: 0 -> RRS Trajectory mode = OFF 1 -> RRS Trajectory mode = ON
_overlap\type Integer Overlap type based on following mapping: 0 -> Note set/used, 1 -> FINE, 2 -> VEL, 3 -> POS, 4 -> CPOS, 5 -> CART, 6 -> PTP
_overlap\vel Double Overlap VEL parameter (0-100%)
_overlap\pos Double Overlap POS parameter (mm)
_overlap\ori Double Overlap ORI parameter (deg)
_overlap\oriz Double Overlap ORIZ parameter (deg)
_overlap\axis Double Overlap AXIS parameter (0-100%)
_ramp\type Integer Ramp type based on following mapping: 0 -> Note set/used, 1 -> TRAPEZOID, 2 -> SINUSOID, 3 -> TRIANGLE
_ramp\factor Double Ramp factor (unitless)
_rrs_duerr_start_lookahead Integer Non-modal attribute. If set to a non-zero value, StartLookahead instruction is sent to the RCS module.
_rrs_duerr_stop_lookahead Integer Non-modal attribute. If set to a non-zero value, StopLookahead instruction is sent to the RCS module.
_trigger1 ... _trigger5 String Duerr Trigger instruction assumed to be formatted as "%d,%s,%s,%f,%f,%f,%s,%s,%s" where each field is interpreted (in order) as follows: %d -> RRS event ID (integer), %s -> Trigger name (string), %s -> Trigger Tag (string), %f -> Trigger Frame NX (float), %f -> Trigger Frame NY (float), %f -> Trigger Frame NZ (float), %s -> Trigger Instruction Argument #1 (string), %s -> Trigger Instruction Argument #2 (string), %s -> Trigger Instruction Argument #3 (string). If <5 triggers are to be sent to the RCS module, first "_trigger1", then if necessary "_trigger2", then if necessary "_trigger3" and finally, if necessary, "_trigger4" attributes should be set. "_trigger#" attributes are scanned starting from #=1 and incrementing by one until either the attribute is not defined or its value is an empty string. These attributes are non-modal.
_trigger_par String Trigger parameter string sent "as is" to the RCS (if not an empty string)
_vel\pos Double Velocity POS parameter (mm/sec)
_vel\ori Double Velocity ORI parameter (deg/sec)
_vel\oriz Double Velocity ORIZ parameter (deg/sec)
_vel\axis Double Velocity POS parameter (0-100%)
_velpath Double Path velocity (mm/sec)

The Duerr RRS attributes above are pre-defined in Duerr RRS Applicative Profiles. See Setting RRS Controller-Specific Attributes/Profiles section for creating instances of these profiles and setting them on robot operations.

This RRS interface supports line and rail tracking for a single conveyor.