_install_ang\x | Double | Maps to INSTALL_ANG_X in the Nachi AR RCS (deg) |
_install_ang\y | Double | Maps to INSTALL_ANG_Y in the Nachi AR RCS (deg) |
_install_ang\z | Double | Maps to INSTALL_ANG_Z in the Nachi AR RCS (deg) |
_tool0\load | Double | Maps to LOAD0 in the Nachi AR RCS (kgf) |
_tool0\tlp_x | Double | Maps to TLP0_X in the Nachi AR RCS (mm) |
_tool0\tlp_y | Double | Maps to TLP0_Y in the Nachi AR RCS (mm) |
_tool0\tlp_z | Double | Maps to TLP0_Z in the Nachi AR RCS (mm) |
_tool0\tcp_a | Double | Maps to TCP0_A in the Nachi AR RCS (deg) |
_tool0\tcp_x | Double | Maps to TCP0_X in the Nachi AR RCS (deg) |
_tool0\tcp_y | Double | Maps to TCP0_Y in the Nachi AR RCS (deg) |
_tool0\tcp_z | Double | Maps to TCP0_Z in the Nachi AR RCS (deg) |
. . . | | . . . |
_tool3\load | Double | Maps to LOAD3 in the Nachi AR RCS (kgf) |
_tool3\tlp_x | Double | Maps to TLP3_X in the Nachi AR RCS (mm) |
_tool3\tlp_x | Double | Maps to TLP3_Y in the Nachi AR RCS (mm) |
_tool3\tlp_x | Double | Maps to TLP3_Z in the Nachi AR RCS (mm) |
_tool3\tcp_a | Double | Maps to TCP3_A in the Nachi AR RCS (mm) |
_tool3\tcp_x | Double | Maps to TCP3_X in the Nachi AR RCS (mm) |
_tool3\tcp_y | Double | Maps to TCP3_Y in the Nachi AR RCS (mm) |
_tool3\tcp_z | Double | Maps to TCP3_Z in the Nachi AR RCS (mm) |
_limits\s_left | Double | Maps to S_LEFT in the Nachi AR RCS (deg) |
_limits\s_right | Double | Maps to S_RIGHT in the Nachi AR RCS (deg) |
_limits\h_front | Double | Maps to H_FRON Tin the Nachi AR RCS (deg) |
_limits\h_back | Double | Maps to H_BACK in the Nachi AR RCS (deg) |
_limits\v_up | Double | Maps to V_UP in the Nachi AR RCS (deg) |
_limits\v_down | Double | Maps to V_DOWN in the Nachi AR RCS (deg) |
_limits\r2_for | Double | Maps to R2_FOR in the Nachi AR RCS (deg) |
_limits\r2_rev | Double | Maps to R2_REV in the Nachi AR RCS (deg) |
_limits\b_for | Double | Maps to B_FOR in the Nachi AR RCS (deg) |
_limits\b_rev | Double | Maps to B_REV in the Nachi AR RCS (deg) |
_limits\r1_for | Double | Maps to R1_FOR in the Nachi AR RCS (deg) |
_limits\r1_rev | Double | Maps to R1_REV in the Nachi AR RCS (deg) |
_limits\arm_lap_min | Double | Maps to ARM_LAP_MIN in the Nachi AR RCS (deg) |
_limits\arm_lap_max | Double | Maps to ARM_LAP_MAX in the Nachi AR RCS (deg) |
_limits\b_dead_zone | Double | Maps to B_DEAD_ZONE in the Nachi AR RCS (deg) |
_accuracy\acc0_bit | Integer | Maps to ACC0_BIT in the Nachi AR RCS |
_accuracy\acc1_bit | Integer | Maps to ACC1_BIT in the Nachi AR RCS |
_accuracy\acc2_bit | Integer | Maps to ACC2_BIT in the Nachi AR RCS |
_accuracy\acc3_bit | Integer | Maps to ACC3_BIT in the Nachi AR RCS |
_accuracy\acc0_length | Integer | Maps to ACC0_LENGTH in the Nachi AR RCS |
_accuracy\acc1_length | Integer | Maps to ACC1_LENGTH in the Nachi AR RCS |
_accuracy\acc2_length | Integer | Maps to ACC2_LENGTH in the Nachi AR RCS |
_accuracy\acc3_length | Integer | Maps to ACC3_LENGTH in the Nachi AR RCS |
_accuracy\acc_range | Integer | Maps to ACC_RANGE in the Nachi AR RCS |
_accuracy\acc_coef_ex | Integer | Maps to ACC_COEF_EX in the Nachi AR RCS |
_accuracy\acc_coef_acc | Integer | Maps to ACC_COEF_ACC in the Nachi AR RCS |
_accuracy\acc_coef_spd | Integer | Maps to ACC_COEF_SPD in the Nachi AR RCS |
_gain_control\load_on_arm | Double | Maps to LOAD_ON_ARM in the Nachi AR RCS (kgf) |
_gain_control\coef_f_f | Double | Maps to COEF_F_F in the Nachi AR RCS |
_gain_control\gain_up_in_pos | Integer | Maps to GAIN_UP_IN_POS in the Nachi AR RCS |
_gain_control\coef_1st_dly1 | Double | Maps to GAIN_UP_IN_POS in the Nachi AR RCS |
_gain_control\coef_1st_dly2 | Double | Maps to COEF_1ST_DLY1 in the Nachi AR RCS |
_gain_control\coef_1st_dly_th | Double | Maps to COEF_1ST_DLY2 in the Nachi AR RCS |
_gain_control\filter_amp | Integer | Maps to COEF_1ST_DLY_TH in the Nachi AR RCS |
_gain_control\coef_pre_out1 | Double | Maps to FILTER_AMP in the Nachi AR RCS |
_gain_control\coef_pre_out2 | Double | Maps to COEF_PRE_OUT2 in the Nachi AR RCS |
_faster_mode\faster_locus | Integer | Maps to FASTER_LOCUS in the Nachi AR RCS |
_faster_mode\vel_gain | Integer | Maps to VEL_GAIN in the Nachi AR RCS |
_faster_mode\acc_check | Integer | Maps to ACC_CHECK in the Nachi AR RCS |
_faster_mode\smooth_exe | Integer | Maps to SMOOTH_EXE in the Nachi AR RCS |
_faster_mode\hard_servo | Integer | Maps to HARD_SERVO in the Nachi AR RCS |
_conveyor\conv_sync | Integer | Maps to CONV_SYNC in the Nachi AR RCS |
_conveyor\conv_type | Integer | Maps to CONV_TYPE in the Nachi AR RCS |
_conveyor\conv_const | Integer | Maps to CONV_CONST in the Nachi AR RCS (kgf) |
_conveyor\conv_h_ang | Double | Maps to CONV_H_ANG in the Nachi AR RCS (deg) |
_conveyor\conv_v_ang | Double | Maps to CONV_V_ANG in the Nachi AR RCS (deg) |
_conveyor\conv_rot_x | Double | Maps to CONV_ROT_X in the Nachi AR RCS (deg) |
_conveyor\conv_rot_y | Double | Maps to CONV_ROT_X in the Nachi AR RCS (deg) |
_conveyor\conv_rot_cx | Integer | Maps to CONV_ROT_CX in the Nachi AR RCS (mm) |
_conveyor\conv_rot_cy | Integer | Maps to CONV_ROT_CY in the Nachi AR RCS (mm) |
_conveyor\conv_rot_cz | Integer | Maps to CONV_ROT_CZ in the Nachi AR RCS (mm) |
_conveyor\conv_speed | Double | Maps to CONV_SPEED in the Nachi AR RCS (mm/sec) |
_conveyor\conv_calib | Integer | Maps to CONV_CALIB in the Nachi AR RCS |
_conveyor\conv_stop | Integer | Maps to CONV_STOP in the Nachi AR RCS |
_group2\max_spd_regu | Integer | Maps to MAX_SPD_REGU in the Nachi AR RCS |
_group2\smooth_mode | Integer | Maps to SMOOTH_MODE in the Nachi AR RCS |
_group2\advanced_I | Integer | Maps to ADVANCED_I in the Nachi AR RCS |
_group2\singularity | Integer | Maps to SINGULARITY in the Nachi AR RCS |
_group2\conv_locus | Integer | Maps to CONV_LOCUS in the Nachi AR RCS |
_group2\tool_vec_intp | Integer | Maps to TOOL_VEC_INTP in the Nachi AR RCS |
_group2\keep_wrist | Integer | Maps to KEEP_WRIST in the Nachi AR RCS |
_group2\conv_cal_type | Integer | Maps to CONV_CAL_TYPE in the Nachi AR RCS |
_group2\tool_vec_cal | Integer | Maps to TOOL_VEC_CAL in the Nachi AR RCS |
_group2\conv_path | Integer | Maps to CONV_PATH in the Nachi AR RCS |