Nachi AR RRS Profiles/Attributes

This section describes the attributes supported by the Nachi AR interface.

These can be set via either:

  • the provided pre-defined Nachi AR RRS controller-specific Profile
  • by being added into a custom User Profile
Refer to Setting RRS Controller-Specific Attributes/Profiles for further details.

See Also
Nachi AR RRS Servers
Nachi AR RRS Interface

Nachi AR Attributes for Robot Operations/Activities

This RRS interface supports the following controller-specific V6 attributes. If used, they must first be defined on the very first Robot Motion activity in the robot's program and can then be defined on subsequent Robot Motion activities to change their value as needed.

Attributes specified as being "non-modal" do not preserve their value from one move activity to the next and hence must be set on each move activity even if their value is the same.

For structure attributes, i.e. those that have a "\" in the attribute name, each component attribute must be defined in the order shown below. When these attributes are used, they will be the primary source of data that this RRS interface sends to the RCS module and will override any default mapping that may otherwise be supported.

Attribute NameAttribute TypeCorresponding Nachi AR RCS Parameter
_install_ang\x Double Maps to INSTALL_ANG_X in the Nachi AR RCS (deg)
_install_ang\y Double Maps to INSTALL_ANG_Y in the Nachi AR RCS (deg)
_install_ang\z Double Maps to INSTALL_ANG_Z in the Nachi AR RCS (deg)
_tool0\load Double Maps to LOAD0 in the Nachi AR RCS (kgf)
_tool0\tlp_x Double Maps to TLP0_X in the Nachi AR RCS (mm)
_tool0\tlp_y Double Maps to TLP0_Y in the Nachi AR RCS (mm)
_tool0\tlp_z Double Maps to TLP0_Z in the Nachi AR RCS (mm)
_tool0\tcp_a Double Maps to TCP0_A in the Nachi AR RCS (deg)
_tool0\tcp_x Double Maps to TCP0_X in the Nachi AR RCS (deg)
_tool0\tcp_y Double Maps to TCP0_Y in the Nachi AR RCS (deg)
_tool0\tcp_z Double Maps to TCP0_Z in the Nachi AR RCS (deg)
. . . . . .
_tool3\load Double Maps to LOAD3 in the Nachi AR RCS (kgf)
_tool3\tlp_x Double Maps to TLP3_X in the Nachi AR RCS (mm)
_tool3\tlp_x Double Maps to TLP3_Y in the Nachi AR RCS (mm)
_tool3\tlp_x Double Maps to TLP3_Z in the Nachi AR RCS (mm)
_tool3\tcp_a Double Maps to TCP3_A in the Nachi AR RCS (mm)
_tool3\tcp_x Double Maps to TCP3_X in the Nachi AR RCS (mm)
_tool3\tcp_y Double Maps to TCP3_Y in the Nachi AR RCS (mm)
_tool3\tcp_z Double Maps to TCP3_Z in the Nachi AR RCS (mm)
_limits\s_left Double Maps to S_LEFT in the Nachi AR RCS (deg)
_limits\s_right Double Maps to S_RIGHT in the Nachi AR RCS (deg)
_limits\h_front Double Maps to H_FRON Tin the Nachi AR RCS (deg)
_limits\h_back Double Maps to H_BACK in the Nachi AR RCS (deg)
_limits\v_up Double Maps to V_UP in the Nachi AR RCS (deg)
_limits\v_down Double Maps to V_DOWN in the Nachi AR RCS (deg)
_limits\r2_for Double Maps to R2_FOR in the Nachi AR RCS (deg)
_limits\r2_rev Double Maps to R2_REV in the Nachi AR RCS (deg)
_limits\b_for Double Maps to B_FOR in the Nachi AR RCS (deg)
_limits\b_rev Double Maps to B_REV in the Nachi AR RCS (deg)
_limits\r1_for Double Maps to R1_FOR in the Nachi AR RCS (deg)
_limits\r1_rev Double Maps to R1_REV in the Nachi AR RCS (deg)
_limits\arm_lap_min Double Maps to ARM_LAP_MIN in the Nachi AR RCS (deg)
_limits\arm_lap_max Double Maps to ARM_LAP_MAX in the Nachi AR RCS (deg)
_limits\b_dead_zone Double Maps to B_DEAD_ZONE in the Nachi AR RCS (deg)
_accuracy\acc0_bit Integer Maps to ACC0_BIT in the Nachi AR RCS
_accuracy\acc1_bit Integer Maps to ACC1_BIT in the Nachi AR RCS
_accuracy\acc2_bit Integer Maps to ACC2_BIT in the Nachi AR RCS
_accuracy\acc3_bit Integer Maps to ACC3_BIT in the Nachi AR RCS
_accuracy\acc0_length Integer Maps to ACC0_LENGTH in the Nachi AR RCS
_accuracy\acc1_length Integer Maps to ACC1_LENGTH in the Nachi AR RCS
_accuracy\acc2_length Integer Maps to ACC2_LENGTH in the Nachi AR RCS
_accuracy\acc3_length Integer Maps to ACC3_LENGTH in the Nachi AR RCS
_accuracy\acc_range Integer Maps to ACC_RANGE in the Nachi AR RCS
_accuracy\acc_coef_ex Integer Maps to ACC_COEF_EX in the Nachi AR RCS
_accuracy\acc_coef_acc Integer Maps to ACC_COEF_ACC in the Nachi AR RCS
_accuracy\acc_coef_spd Integer Maps to ACC_COEF_SPD in the Nachi AR RCS
_gain_control\load_on_arm Double Maps to LOAD_ON_ARM in the Nachi AR RCS (kgf)
_gain_control\coef_f_f Double Maps to COEF_F_F in the Nachi AR RCS
_gain_control\gain_up_in_pos Integer Maps to GAIN_UP_IN_POS in the Nachi AR RCS
_gain_control\coef_1st_dly1 Double Maps to GAIN_UP_IN_POS in the Nachi AR RCS
_gain_control\coef_1st_dly2 Double Maps to COEF_1ST_DLY1 in the Nachi AR RCS
_gain_control\coef_1st_dly_th Double Maps to COEF_1ST_DLY2 in the Nachi AR RCS
_gain_control\filter_amp Integer Maps to COEF_1ST_DLY_TH in the Nachi AR RCS
_gain_control\coef_pre_out1 Double Maps to FILTER_AMP in the Nachi AR RCS
_gain_control\coef_pre_out2 Double Maps to COEF_PRE_OUT2 in the Nachi AR RCS
_faster_mode\faster_locus Integer Maps to FASTER_LOCUS in the Nachi AR RCS
_faster_mode\vel_gain Integer Maps to VEL_GAIN in the Nachi AR RCS
_faster_mode\acc_check Integer Maps to ACC_CHECK in the Nachi AR RCS
_faster_mode\smooth_exe Integer Maps to SMOOTH_EXE in the Nachi AR RCS
_faster_mode\hard_servo Integer Maps to HARD_SERVO in the Nachi AR RCS
_conveyor\conv_sync Integer Maps to CONV_SYNC in the Nachi AR RCS
_conveyor\conv_type Integer Maps to CONV_TYPE in the Nachi AR RCS
_conveyor\conv_const Integer Maps to CONV_CONST in the Nachi AR RCS (kgf)
_conveyor\conv_h_ang Double Maps to CONV_H_ANG in the Nachi AR RCS (deg)
_conveyor\conv_v_ang Double Maps to CONV_V_ANG in the Nachi AR RCS (deg)
_conveyor\conv_rot_x Double Maps to CONV_ROT_X in the Nachi AR RCS (deg)
_conveyor\conv_rot_y Double Maps to CONV_ROT_X in the Nachi AR RCS (deg)
_conveyor\conv_rot_cx Integer Maps to CONV_ROT_CX in the Nachi AR RCS (mm)
_conveyor\conv_rot_cy Integer Maps to CONV_ROT_CY in the Nachi AR RCS (mm)
_conveyor\conv_rot_cz Integer Maps to CONV_ROT_CZ in the Nachi AR RCS (mm)
_conveyor\conv_speed Double Maps to CONV_SPEED in the Nachi AR RCS (mm/sec)
_conveyor\conv_calib Integer Maps to CONV_CALIB in the Nachi AR RCS
_conveyor\conv_stop Integer Maps to CONV_STOP in the Nachi AR RCS
_group2\max_spd_regu Integer Maps to MAX_SPD_REGU in the Nachi AR RCS
_group2\smooth_mode Integer Maps to SMOOTH_MODE in the Nachi AR RCS
_group2\advanced_I Integer Maps to ADVANCED_I in the Nachi AR RCS
_group2\singularity Integer Maps to SINGULARITY in the Nachi AR RCS
_group2\conv_locus Integer Maps to CONV_LOCUS in the Nachi AR RCS
_group2\tool_vec_intp Integer Maps to TOOL_VEC_INTP in the Nachi AR RCS
_group2\keep_wrist Integer Maps to KEEP_WRIST in the Nachi AR RCS
_group2\conv_cal_type Integer Maps to CONV_CAL_TYPE in the Nachi AR RCS
_group2\tool_vec_cal Integer Maps to TOOL_VEC_CAL in the Nachi AR RCS
_group2\conv_path Integer Maps to CONV_PATH in the Nachi AR RCS