Yaskawa YRC1000 RRS Profiles/Attributes

This section describes the attributes supported by the Yaskawa YRC1000 RRS interface.

These can be set via either:

  • The provided pre-defined Yaskawa YRC1000 RRS controller-specific Profile
  • By being added into a custom User Profile
Refer to Setting RRS Controller-Specific Attributes/Profiles for further details.

See Also
Yaskawa YRC1000 RRS Servers
Yaskawa YRC1000 RRS Interface

Yaskawa YRC1000 Attributes for Robot Operations/Activities

This RRS interface supports the following controller-specific V6 attributes.

Attributes specified as being "non-modal" do not preserve their value from one move activity to the next and hence must be set on each move activity even if their value is the same.

For structure attributes, i.e., those that have a "\" in the attribute name, each component attribute must be defined in the order shown below. When these attributes are used, they will be the primary source of data that this RRS interface sends to the RCS module and will override any default mapping that may otherwise be supported.

Attribute Name Attribute Type Corresponding Yaskawa YRC1000 RCS Parameter
_playback_time Double Maps to Playback Time in the Yaskawa RCS (sec).
_ori_speed Double Maps to Orientation Speed in the Yaskawa RCS (deg/sec). 0 means do not send this attribute to the RCS module.
_ori_speed_for_move Double Non-modal version of ori_speed (i.e., the current value does not carry over to the next move).
_acc Integer Non-modal attribute that maps to ACC option on a Motoman move instruction (0-100%). -1 means do not send this attribute to the RCS module.
_dec Integer Non-modal attribute that maps to DEC option on a Motoman move instruction (0-100%). -1 means do not send this attribute to the RCS module.
_timer Double Non-modal attribute that maps to Motoman TIMER instruction (sec). -1 means do not send this attribute to the RCS module. The timer delay will be executed at the end of the move on which this attribute is set.
_e_angle Double Elbow angle value for an IA20 robot move activity (deg). -9999 means do not send this attribute to the RCS module.
_svspot Integer

Set to:

  • 1

    SVSPOT move

  • 0

    standard move

_thickness Double Part thickness in mm.
_press_num Integer "PRESS#" value in SVSPOT command.
_weld_time Double Delay in seconds added at the end of the gun pressure move during RCS-based SVSPOT emulation.
_relative_job_method Integer

Set to:

  • 0

    Previous step constant B axis

  • 1

    Type regarded

  • 2

    Previous step minimum R axis movement

MotomanDistanceBasedAccuracy String Alters the default accuracy value-to-PL mapping.

This attribute can be set to one of the following:

  • "False"

    Use default accuracy value-to-PL mapping shown above

  • "True"

    Assume distance-based accuracy type and the following accuracy value-to-PL mapping:

    • PL=0 to 4 case:
      • ACCURACY_VALUE < 25 mm

        AccuracyType = 0

      • 25 mm <= ACCURACY_VALUE < 50 mm

        AccuracyType = 1

      • 50 mm <= ACCURACY_VALUE < 100 mm

        AccuracyType = 2

      • 100 mm <= ACCURACY_VALUE < 150 mm

        AccuracyType = 3

      • 150 mm <= ACCURACY_VALUE

        AccuracyType = 4

    • PL=0 to 8 case:
      • ACCURACY_VALUE < 25 mm

        AccuracyType = 0

      • 25 mm <= ACCURACY_VALUE < 50 mm

        AccuracyType = 1

      • 50 mm <= ACCURACY_VALUE < 100 mm

        AccuracyType = 2

      • 100 mm <= ACCURACY_VALUE < 150 mm

        AccuracyType = 3

      • 150 mm <= ACCURACY_VALUE < 200 mm

        AccuracyType = 4

      • 200 mm <= ACCURACY_VALUE < 300 mm

        AccuracyType = 5

      • 300 mm <= ACCURACY_VALUE < 400 mm

        AccuracyType = 6

      • 400 mm <= ACCURACY_VALUE < 500 mm

        AccuracyType = 7

      • 500 mm <= ACCURACY_VALUE

        AccuracyType = 8

  • "a1,a2,a3,a4" (PL=0-4 case) or "a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8 (PL=0-8 case)"

    Assume distance-based accuracy type and the following accuracy value-to-PL mapping:

    • PL=0 to 4 case:
      • ACCURACY_VALUE < a1 mm

        AccuracyType = 0

      • a1 mm <= ACCURACY_VALUE < a2 mm

        AccuracyType = 1

      • a2 mm <= ACCURACY_VALUE < a3 mm

        AccuracyType = 2

      • a3 mm <= ACCURACY_VALUE < a4 mm

        AccuracyType = 3

      • a4 mm <= ACCURACY_VALUE

        AccuracyType = 4

    • PL=0 to 8 case:
      • ACCURACY_VALUE < a1 mm

        AccuracyType = 0

      • a1 mm <= ACCURACY_VALUE < a2 mm

        AccuracyType = 1

      • a2 mm <= ACCURACY_VALUE < a3 mm

        AccuracyType = 2

      • a3 mm <= ACCURACY_VALUE < a4 mm

        AccuracyType = 3

      • a4 mm <= ACCURACY_VALUE < a5 mm

        AccuracyType = 4

      • a5 mm <= ACCURACY_VALUE < a6 mm

        AccuracyType = 5

      • a6 mm <= ACCURACY_VALUE < a7 mm

        AccuracyType = 6

      • a7 mm <= ACCURACY_VALUE < a8 mm

        AccuracyType = 7

      • a8 mm <= ACCURACY_VALUE

        AccuracyType = 8

MotomanDefaultAccuracy Real Alters the default speed-based accuracy value corresponding to "No PL" for linear and circular moves; 0-100%.
MotomanDefaultJointAccuracy Real Alters the default speed-based accuracy value corresponding to "No PL" for joint moves; 0-100%.