Creating Tags using TCP

Create tags at the current TCP location without creating any robot motion.

Before you begin:

This command is available only in the Live Simulation environment.

See Also
Manipulating Targets
  1. Click New Tag using TCP .
    You are prompted to select a robot.
  2. Select the robot that you want to create tags for.
    The orientation Robot snaps to the TCP and the Insert Tag context toolbar appears.

    The Jog dialog box is also displayed. Under Applicative Frame, Tag Group initially displays the full path for the current active tag group, or the first tag group under the current Active Simulation Object. You can select a different tag group for creating tags in the Immersive Browser.

  3. Jog the robot using either the orientation Robot or the Jog dialog box to move the TCP to the desired location.
  4. Click Insert Tag to create a tag.
    A tag is created at the coordinates of the TCP.
  5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 to create as many tags as are required.
    Note: Undo and Redo are not supported by tag creation commands such as Insert Tag.
  6. Click Close in the Jog dialog box to exit the command.