About Experience Models Preparation

This section provides background information and key concepts you should understand when simplifying tessellated models in the Experience Models Preparation app to suit your experiences.

The Experience Models Preparation app allows you to simplify a model, as well as repurpose and beautify a model.

See Also
Experience Models Preparation Objects
About Simplification

Resulting data are calculated within the Experience Models Preparation app using various simplification techniques that include standard tessellation and decimation operations (Decimation and Hidden Surface Removal). You can specify the structure you envision for the resulting products. The preparation and beautifying processes consist in simplifying existing CAD products to create new product representations for a specific usage. These iterative processes involve repurposing the data structure, keeping an homogeneous aspect of it with respect to merged or deleted elements, rendering existing textures at best, and creating new textures so as to maximize the mesh simplification.

Experience Models Preparation Process Overview

The figure below details a high-level preparation process.

Input data (1)Results in various views that can be any of the following: (3)
A model with design specifications including a RFLP (Requirement - Functional - Logical - Physical) definition, several configurations, several behaviors that comprise specifications, detailed designed product structure and geometrical elements (1)

Note: For more information about the different RFLP levels of abstraction of a product, see System Finder User's Guide.

  • An experience with an interactive fan (A)
  • An online experience with an animated fan (B)
  • A technical documentation (C)
  • A content Catalog (D)
  • A design review (E)
  • A publication (F)

Undergoes a preparation process (2) that can be detailed as follows (see figure below):

Step 1: Geometrical Simplification (marked GS)
Step 2: Structure Repurposing (marked SR)
Step 3: Beautifying Process (marked BP)
Step 4: Application of Behaviors (marked B)