- Mandatory
The options in the Type of measure list are as follows:
- Minimum distance
- Measures the smallest possible distance between the two selections.
- Measure along a direction
- Measures the distance the selected geometry moves along a specified direction.
The options in the Calculation mode: list are as follows:
- Exact else approximate
- Measures exact data and, wherever possible, gives true values. If exact values
cannot be measured, approximate values are given (identified by a ~ sign).
- Exact
- Measures exact data, and gives true values.
- Approximate
- Measures tessellated objects and gives approximate values (identified by a ~
By default, Minimum distance and Exact
else approximate are selected.
The options in Selection1 and
Selection2, which can consist of:
- a single geometric entity that you select from the tree or the geometry itself.
- multiple items, which you select by clicking the items in the work area. To facilitate multiselecting, you can also use
Selecting multiple elements may seem longer because the measure computation starts
only once second selection is completed.
- Parameters
Selection1 mode or Selection2 mode filter the types of geometry you select. The options available are as follows:
- Any geometry
- Measures distances and, if applicable, angles between defined geometric entities (points, edges, surfaces, etc.).
- Any geometry, infinite
- Measures distances and, if applicable, angles between the infinite geometry
(plane, line or curve) on which the selected geometric entities
lie. Curves are extended by tangency at curve ends. If an arc is
selected in Any geometry, infinite, note that the
arc edge is measured and not the arc center.
- Point only
- Measures distances between points. Dynamic highlighting is
limited to points.
- Edge only
- Measures distances and, if applicable, angles between edges.
Dynamic highlighting is limited to edges and is thus simplified
compared to the Any geometry mode. All edge types are
- Surface only
- Measures distances and, if applicable, angles between
surfaces. Dynamic highlighting is limited to surfaces and is thus
simplified compared to the Any geometry mode.
- Product only
- Measures distances between products. Products can be specified by selecting product geometry such as an edge
or surface in the geometry area or the tree.
By default, Any geometry
is selected.
Other Direction, which specifies the direction along which the measurement is made. This option is only available if you selected Measure along a distance for Type of measure. The directions you can select are: - Compass Direction
- X axis, Y axis, or Z axis.
By default, Compass Direction
is selected.
Customize tab enables you to select which content appears in 3D and which data is available to view in a tabulated form, so that you can export the data into a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. The default selections are depend upon the options you selected in the Specifications tab.