Create a Curve
You can select one or several scans and create curves from them.
- From the Wireframe section of the action bar, click Curve from Scan
- Select a scan.
Multiselection is available.
The scan is displayed in the Polyline+Point mode with the current graphic symbol.By default, the end points are fixed.
Note: A split point has been automatically inserted. This insertion is controlled by the parameter Split Angle. Whenever the computed curve forms an angle greater than this value, the curve is split automatically into two curves. The split point is displayed and two curves are created. - Optional: Modify the value of the split angle and click Apply.
To create a curve by smoothing all the points between two
split points, select Smoothing, and specify the parameters as
- Key-in a tolerance, that is the maximum distance between the final curve and the points.
- Key-in the maximum order of the curves to create, that is, the number of control points of those curves.
- Key-in the maximum number of segments between two cutting points.
to verify that the tolerance is met.
If the tolerance is met, the computed curve is displayed in white. Otherwise it is displayed in red. -
to verify the segmentation and the order of the curves.
Curve from Scans tries to create curves with the defined tolerance, with the least possible number of segments of the least possible order:- Curve from Scans tries to create a curve with one segment of order 2.
- If the tolerance is not reached, the order of the segment is increased up to the Max. Order value.
- If the tolerance is not yet reached, the number of segments is increased, the segments having the least possible order. This order is increased to meet the tolerance, then the number of segments, and so on, until both the maximum order and the maximum number of segments are reached.
- To create a curve by interpolating the points of its support scan, select Interpolation.
- Click Apply. A temporary curve is displayed in white, indicating the tolerance is met.
- Optional: Press
to display the curvature analysis.
- Release
and click
to display the maximum and the mean deviations (green callout below) and
to display the order and the number of segments (black callout below).
If the tolerance is kept, the maximum and minimum deviations are displayed in green. If the tolerance is not kept, they are displayed in red and the percentage of points that are out of the tolerance is also displayed.
Curve.x elements are created. The segmentation display is erased.