Digitized Shape Preparation File-based Design Import

File-based Design Import (FBDI) enables content migration from V5 to 3DEXPERIENCE.

See Also
In Other Guides
File Coexistence and Migration

The following table describes import correspondences between V5 file-based data and 3DEXPERIENCE content.

V5 Data Type 3DEXPERIENCE Content Type Import Result
Display Properties Display Properties Fully Imported
Cell PropertiesCell PropertiesFully Imported
Extract Extract Fully Imported
Cloud of points Cloud of points Fully Imported
MeshMeshFully Imported
Offset Mesh/Rough OffsetOffset Mesh/Rough OffsetFully Imported
Flip EdgeFlip EdgeFully Imported
Mesh SmoothingMesh SmoothingFully Imported
Planar Section/Scan/Free EdgePlanar Section/Scan/Free EdgeFully Imported
Deviation AnalysisDeviation AnalysisFully Imported