About Resultant Sensors

Resultant sensors provide a summary of the resultant forces and moments at one or more locations in your simulation results.

Resultant sensors are available in Structural Validation only for structural simulations.

This page discusses:

See Also
Creating Resultant Sensors
Feature Manager

The resultant forces and moments in the global coordinate system are calculated about the centroid of the support for a particular step, load case, and frame. Support types include node sets, connectors, connector sections, restraints, loads, surfaces, named cut surfaces, and eligible named display groups. Display groups are eligible as supports when they are composed of either a single surface, a named cut surface, or a display group combining nodes and elements.

Physics Results Explorer creates resultant sensors from several parameters, including:

  • Concentrated force (CF)
  • Reaction force (RF)
  • Concentrated moment (CM)
  • Reaction moment (RM)

When you save your simulation data, the resultant sensor data is also included. If you make changes to your model or simulation and perform the analysis again, the resultant sensors are available in the new simulation results.

Resultant Sensor Validation

Resultant sensor definitions might become invalid if they depend on step or support definitions that have changed. You can use the Feature Manager to see whether resultant sensors are invalid as a result of changes to your analysis. The Feature Manager displays the force and moment values in the global coordinate system for a particular step, load case, and frame.

Element Sets for Use as Supports for Resultant Sensors

When you want to measure forces and moments on nodes in the interior of a model, you can use element sets that combine elements and nodes found on the cross-section of the geometry. The nodes are used to locate the free body cut, whereas the elements indicate on which side of the cut the force is applied.

Note: Element sets are not available for use with free bodies when the support types are connector sections, cut surfaces, or surfaces. Physics Results Explorer also warns you if a node or element is selected that does not have associated nodes or elements attached, respectively.

When you apply the resultant sensor, the forces and moments display as values and glyphs in the model. The values are also displayed in the Feature Manager.

Display Groups Eligible for Use as Supports for Resultant Sensors

When you want to measure forces and moments on nodes in the interior of a model, you can use named display groups that combine elements and nodes found on the cross-section of the geometry. The nodes are used to locate the free body cut, whereas the elements indicate on which side of the cut the force is applied.

To use named display groups as resultant sensor supports:

  1. Select the region of the model where you want to take sensor measurements.
  2. Expose a cross-section of the model.

  3. Select the elements and nodes where the resultant sensor output is required.
  4. With the elements and nodes selected, create a named display group.

When you apply the resultant sensor, the forces and moments display as values and glyphs in the model. The values are also displayed in the Feature Manager.