Register a Viewer
open the
Viewer Property Registration dialog box:
- From the compass, select Social and Collaborative Apps .
- In the list of apps, click Collaboration and Approvals.
- In the navigation pane, click Utilities > Property Registration > Viewer.
Viewer Tip, enter the text you want for the
viewer's Tool Tip.
This tip appears in the app when a user moves the pointer over the view icon. The system also uses this tip in the preference list on the person profile pages for formats that are set up for preference selection (see Collaboration and Approvals Administration Guide: Specify Formats for which a Preferred Viewer Must Be Chosen).
- Click Create Viewer. A prompt window opens.
Enter the name of the servlet that invokes the viewer and click
The viewer is listed in the Unassigned Viewers list and in the Viewer Servlet box. A program object is created with the name you entered for the viewer servlet. The tip text is assigned as a value for the property viewerTip. The program object is connected to the emxViewerRegistration program with the property installedViewer. Now you need to assign formats for the viewer, as described in Assigning Formats to Viewers.