Configuring Automatic Business Object Naming

You can change how objects are automatically named.

For more information, see About Autonaming Business Objects.

For eService Object Generator and eService Number Generator business objects, there is no revision defined. You can use "" in the MQL command to specify the revision level.

If the Content Naming Rules tool in the Collaborative Spaces Configuration Center lists a content type, such as a Change Action, those naming rules apply when creating that type of content. The naming rules could be the default rules, or rules configured by an Administrator. For those content types, any AutoNaming configured using the eService Object Generators is not used.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin:
  1. Start an MQL session. To use the Run MQL window instead of the MQL app:
    1. From the compass, select Social and Collaborative Apps .
    2. In the list of apps, click Collaboration and Approvals.
    3. In the navigation pane, click Utilities > Run MQL.

      To run an MQL command, enter the command in the MQL Command box and click Run or press Enter.

    4. To set the context for the MQL session, run this command:
      set context user creator;
  2. Locate the eService Object Generator object you want to update. You can use this command to list the objects:
    temp query businessobject "eService Object Generator" * *;
    You can replace the first * with the symbolic name of the object type, such as type_Decision.

Change the Automatically-Generated Name

  1. To add characters after the automatically-generated number, use this syntax to modify the value for the eService Name Suffix attribute:

    modify businessobject "eService Object Generator" <NAME> <REV> attribute "eService Name Suffix" <VALUE>;

  2. To add characters before the automatically-generated number, use this syntax to modify the value for the eService Name Prefix attribute.

    modify businessobject "eService Object Generator" <NAME> <REV> attribute "eService Name Prefix" <VALUE>;

Modify eService Object and Number Generators

  1. To modify the eService Object Generator, use this syntax.

    modify businessobject "eService Object Generator" <NAME> <REV> attribute <ATTR_NAME> <VALUE>;
    This table lists the attributes you can modify:
    eService Safety PolicySpecifies the policy that governs the type of object being created. The object generator program uses this policy only when the value for the ObjectPolicy parameter passed to the object generator program is null and more than one policy can govern the object type. The policy name must be specified using the symbolic name.
    eService Processing Time LimitMaximum number of seconds permitted for the object to be created. If the limit is exceeded, an error message is displayed and the object is not created.
    eService Safety VaultThe vault in which the business object is created if the current vault is ADMINISTRATION.
    eService Retry CountNumber of attempts the Object Generator program can take to create an object. If the limit is reached and the object is not created, the system displays an error message.
    eService Retry DelayTime period in milliseconds before the eService Object Generator should be accessed if it is locked.
    eService Name SuffixAdds a suffix to the name that is generated automatically for objects. The characters you specify are added after the unique number that is generated for the name.
    eService Name PrefixAdds a prefix to the name that is generated automatically for objects. The characters you specify are prepended to the unique number that is generated for the name.

  2. To modify the eService Number Generator, use this syntax.

    modify businessobject "eService Number Generator" <NAME> <REV> attribute <ATTR_NAME> <VALUE>;
    This table lists the attributes you can modify:
    DescriptionA brief description of the purpose of this number generator.
    eService Next NumberThe number assigned for the name of the next object that is created using an eService Object Generator. Every time a new object is created automatically, the system increments this value by adding one to the current value.

Create Additional Objects when Creating a Primary Object

You can configure the app to create a secondary object whenever a primary object is created. For example, you can configure the app to automatically create a document when you create a decision.

  1. Verify that the eService Object Generator for the primary object has a related eService Number Generator. Run this command:

    modify businessobject "eService Number Generator" <NAME> <REV>;

    For example:

    modify businessobject "eService Object Generator" type_Decision "";

    The output lists the relationship to the eService Number Generator object. For the above example:

    relationship eService Number Generator
        ID 14272.6969.12032.46990
        meaning Object Generator Object
        to eService Number Generator type_Decision 

  2. Verify that the secondary object has an object generator. You can use this command:

    temp query businessobject "eService Object Generator" * *;

    You can replace the first * with the symbolic name of the object type. For example:

    temp query businessobject "eService Object Generator" type_DOCUMENTS *;

  3. Establish the relationship between the primary object generator and the secondary object generator. For example:

    add connection "eService Additional Object" 
         to "eService Object Generator" type_DOCUMENTS ""  
         from "eService Object Generator" type_Decision "" 
         "eService Connect Relation" relationship_ReferenceDocument;

    The "eService Connect Relation" relationship_ReferenceDocument part of the command defines the relationship that will be used to connect the created object. That is, when you create a Decision, the app creates a Document and connects them using the Reference Document relationship.

  4. Modify the Tcl or JSP program that creates the primary object type, as described About Autonaming Business Objects. It should pass to the eServicecommonObjectGenerator.tcl program the value "Additional" for the CreateAdditional parameter.