Open the Run MQL window:
From the compass, select Collaboration and
In the navigation pane, click .
To run an MQL command, enter the command in the
MQL Command box and click Run
or press Enter.
- To set the context for the MQL session, run this command:
set context user creator; - To find the triggers defined for the policy that governs the object type, run this command:
print policy <POLICYNAME>; where <POLICYNAME> is the required policy. - Determine if a promote trigger already exists for the required state. For example, the Issue policy includes this promote trigger for the Assign state:
trigger PromoteAction:emxTriggerManager(PolicyIssueStateAssignPromoteAction) - Determine the sequence number to use for the new promote trigger. If the state does not have an existing promote trigger, skip this step.
- To determine the revision level of the existing promote trigger, run this command:
temp query businessobject "eService Trigger Program Parameters" <TRIGGERNAME> *; where <TRIGGERNAME> is the name within the parentheses for emxTriggerManager. For example: temp query businessobject "eService Trigger Program Parameters" PolicyIssueStateAssignPromoteAction * The results show the Name, Type, and Revision. For example: eService Trigger Program Parameters PolicyIssueStateAssignPromoteAction SetActualStartDate - To find the sequence number used by the existing eService Trigger Program Parameters object, run this command:
print businessobject "eService Trigger Program Parameters" <NAME> <REVISION>; For example: print businessobject "eService Trigger Program Parameters" PolicyIssueStateAssignPromoteAction SetActualStartDate; Note the value of the eService Sequence Number attribute.
- To create a new eService Trigger Program Parameters object for the trigger that will block promotions, run this command:
add businessobject "eService Trigger Program Parameters" <NAME> <REVISION>
vault "eService Administration"
policy "eService Trigger Program Policy";
"eService Program Name" eServiceCheckRoutes_if.tcl
"eService Sequence Number" <N> ; where: - Promote the new object to the active state:
modify businessobject "eService Trigger Program Parameters" <NAME> <REVISION> current Active; -
Restart the web or app server.