Selecting Objects for Routes

You can specify additional objects for routes.

You cannot add objects derived from the PLMEntity type. To view the list of these types, open an MQL window and execute the list type PLMEntity select derivative command. For more information, see List Admintype Command in the MQL Command Reference.

In previous versions, some apps used a properties setting, such as emxComponentsRoutes.RoutableTypes.APP_NAME to define which types of objects could be included in a route. This property setting is no longer used.

  1. Open the Run MQL window:
    1. From the compass, select Collaboration and Approvals.
    2. In the navigation pane, click Utilities > Run MQL.
    To run an MQL command, enter the command in the MQL Command box and click Run or press Enter.
  2. To set the context for the MQL session, run this command:

    set context user creator;

  3. To determine which objects are already configured as possible content for routes, run this command:

    print relationship "Object Route";

    The from information lists all the object types that can be included as content in routes.

  4. If the object type you require is not already listed on the from side of the relationship, run this command:

    modify relationship "Object Route" from add type <OBJECT_TYPE>;

    where <OBJECT_TYPE> is the content type.