List Admintype Command

You can use the List Admintype command to list all instances of an administrative type that are currently defined. It is useful in confirming the existence or exact name of an object you want to modify. Additional clauses let you limit the objects listed, include selectable data about each object listed, and provide definition for the output format.

This page discusses:

User Level

Business Administrator


The syntax for this command varies depending on the object type.

Admin Object Type Syntax

association, attribute, command, customevent, dimension, eventmonitor, expression, flattabletype, form, format, group, index, inheritancerule, inquiry, lattice, location, menu, package, page, pathtype, person, policy, product, program, relationship, resource, role, rule, server, site, store type, uniquekey, vault


channel, dataobject, filter, portal, query, set, table, toolset, webreport


This table defines the keywords used in the above syntax:

Keyword Definition
ADMIN_TYPE Can be any of the listed types administrative objects.
MOD_CLAUSE Use the MOD_CLAUSE to filter the results based on the date. The clause takes one of these forms:
modified after DATE


modified between DATE1 DATE2

Dates must be specified in the format specified in the enovia.ini file.

NAME_PATTERN Can be a single name or a comma-delimited list of expressions that can include wildcard characters.
WHERE_CLAUSE Can be a comparison operation on one or more of the type's selectables.
SELECT Specifies data to present about each item being listed. For more information, see Select Clause.
DUMP Allows you to format the printed information.
RECORD_SEP Specifies a separator character for the select output of each object listed.
tcl Returns the results in Tcl list format.
FILENAME Identifies a file where the print output is to be stored.
PATTERN Indicates the admin object type to list. Users can list their own workspace objects or those of any group, role, or association to which they belong. Business Administrators can list the workspace objects of any users.

Name Pattern

NAME_PATTERN can be a comma-delimited list of expressions that can include the wildcard characters ‘*’ or ‘?’, where * matches any string of characters, and ? matches any single character. For example, if this command:

list person a*

produces this list: abadi,abami,adadi,adami,adams,apkarian,ata

Some additional examples:

Command Produces
list person a?ami adami,abami
list person ada?i adami,adadi
list person a*i adami,adadi,abami,abadi,atai
list person ad*,a*n adami,adams,apkarian,adadi

Where Clause

You can use Where clauses to refine the list returned. The Where clause comes after the name pattern, and before any Select clauses. For example:

list role * where ancestor==ProjectX;

This example evaluates to true for data allowed for a user’s Project.

For more information, see Where Clause.

Select Clause

This clause lets you specify data to present about each item being listed. The result of the following query would be a list of attributes beginning with “mx,” showing the name and type. For example:

MQL<n>list attribute mx* select type;
attribute type   mxsysInterface
    type = string

Another form of the Select clause is:

list type TYPE select attribute[].name;

An abstract type or relationship given in the selectable is substituted with the derived type or relationship. For example:

MQL<n>list type AB* select attribute[].name;
business type   ABSTRACT PART
    attribute[Effectivity Date].name = Effectivity Date
    attribute[Estimated Cost].name = Estimated Cost
    attribute[Lead Time].name = Lead Time
    attribute[Material Category].name = Material Category
    attribute[Target Cost].name = Target Cost
    attribute[Unit of Measure].name = Unit of Measure
    attribute[Weight].name = Weight

The result of a query using the Select clause is typically in the key-value format. For example:

MQL<n>list type Ac* select attribute[].name;
business type   Access Request
    attribute[Reason for Request].name = Reason for Request
    attribute[Grant Expiration Date].name = Grant Expiration Date
    attribute[Comments].name = Comments
    attribute[Extension Date].name = Extension Date
    attribute[Originator].name = Originator
    attribute[Include Self].name = Include Self
business type   Actual Transaction
    attribute[Transaction Date].name = Transaction Date
    attribute[Transaction PON].name = Transaction PON
    attribute[Transaction Amount].name = Transaction Amount

Generally, the "key" part of the output is expanded by way of substitution or filled with values that match the selectable. The same is true for input specifications using '*' or "[]". This in-place substitution, although it provides a complete and accurate answer to queries, can be a problem in client applications because the input might not always match the resultant key set, since " attribute[].name " does not match "attribute[ATTR_NAME].value ". To avoid substitution, applications were forced to build multiple queries with precise definitions so that the result could be easily processed. You can use [!|not]substitute to force the value of the key in the result to be consistent with the input. For example:

MQL<n>list type Ac* select !substitute attribute[].name;
business type   Access Request = Reason for Request = Grant Expiration Date = Comments = Extension Date = Originator = Include Self
business type   Actual Transaction = Transaction Date = Transaction PON = Transaction Amount

The select without substitution option works for all commands that support selectables, including:

print ADMIN_TYPE [SELECT] ...;
print businessobject T N R [SELECT] ...;
print connection ID [SELECT] ...;
temp query businessobject T N R [SELECT] ...;
expand bus T N R [SELECT_BUS] ... [SELECT_REL] ...;

Listing a Family of Related Objects

The following command can be used to access the contents of the mxFamily table:

list family [majorid UUID {,UUID,...}] [before TIMESTAMP] 
[after TIMESTAMP] [selector NAME];

For example:

list family after TIMESTAMP; // lists all family entries made after a
                             // specific time
list family majorid ID1,ID2,...; // lists all family entries for each
                              // of the specified IDslist family selector BSF; // lists all BSF 
                                // of the specified IDs
list family selector BSF; // lists all BSF entries in the family table

All list options can be combined with other options (for example, before/after can be combined for a particular date range).