While the Where clause can test for equality, it can test for many other characteristics as well. The syntax for the Where clause details the different ways that you can specify the search criteria, using familiar forms of expression:
where "QUERY_EXPR" Or
where 'QUERY_EXPR' |
is the search criteria to be used.
In general, the syntax for a query expression is in one of the following forms:
Substring |
Each form is described further in the sections that follow. For more information, see Guidelines for Defining Queries.
Query Expression (QUERY_EXPR)
This form simply means that a query expression can be contained within parentheses. Although not required, parentheses can add to readability and are useful when writing complex expressions. Parentheses can be used to group subclauses of the
clause, but not as start/end delimiters.
Comparative Expressions
This form of a Boolean expression considers comparisons such as greater than, less than, and equality. You have two arithmetic expressions and a relational operator:
When writing comparative expressions, you can have any mixture of arithmetic expressions. Since all arithmetic expressions yield a single value, they are interchangeable as long as they are of the same type. You cannot mix different value types in the same comparison expression. If you try to mix types, an error message will result.
You cannot compare values of different types because some operators do not work with some values. For example, testing for an uppercase or lowercase match does not make sense if you are working with numeric values. Even when you have values of the same type, you must be sure to use a relational operator that is appropriate for the values being compared. If the operator is incorrect for the values being compared, an error message will result.
Arithmetic Expressions (ARITHM_EXPR)
Use the following syntax:
can be a selectable field name that yields a numeric value, an arithmetic operand (value), or another arithmetic expression. While arithmetic expressions include all data types, arithmetic expressions apply only to Integer or Real value types.
is one of four arithmetic operators:
Plus sign (+) for addition
Minus sign (-) for subtraction
Asterisk (*) for multiplication
Slash (/) for division
Arithmetic expressions can be written three ways:
Expression | Description |
FIELD_NAME | Uses the value contained within the named field for each object. This field name and its notation can be found by using the Print Businessobject Selectable command. for more information, see Select Clause. |
VALUE | Uses the value that you provide. |
ARITH_EXPR | Performs one or more arithmetic operations to arrive at a single numeric value. |
These forms allow you to write comparative expressions such as:
Example | Description |
attribute[Units] eq Inches | Compares the values of the Units attribute to see if it is equal to Inches. If it is, the object is included with the query output. |
"attribute[Product Cost]" > "attribute[Maximum Cost]" | Compares the value of the Product Cost attribute with the value of the Maximum Cost attribute. If the Product Cost exceeds the Maximum Cost, the object will be included in the query output. |
("attribute[Parts In Stock]" - 10) < ("attribute[Parts Needed]" + 5) | Evaluates the results of each arithmetic expression and checks to see if the first result is less than the second. If it is, the object is included in the query output. |
In the last comparative expression, all three forms of an arithmetic expression are used. This expression compares the results of two arithmetic expressions. One value in each arithmetic expression is a field name (Parts In Stock or Parts Needed) and one is a value supplied by you (10 or 5). Before the comparison can take place, each arithmetic expression must be evaluated and reduced to a single value. Then the two values can be compared.
Include a space on either side of each arithmetic operator (+, -, *, /) to correctly separate it from the operands.
Relational Operators (RELATIONAL_OP)
Relational operators can be used to compare values of all data types unless specified otherwise.
Operator | Operator Name | Function |
EQ | is equal to | The first value must be equal to the second value. When comparing characters, uppercase and lowercase are not equivalent. |
NEQ | is not equal to | The first value must not match the second value. When comparing characters, uppercase and lowercase are not equivalent. |
LT | is less than | The first value must be less than the second value. This comparison is not normally used with Boolean data types. When comparing dates, an older date has a lesser value. |
GT | is greater than | The first value must be greater than the second value. This comparison is not normally used with Boolean data types. When comparing dates, the more recent date has the greater value. |
LE | is less than or equal to | The first value must be equal to or less than the second value. This operator is not used with Boolean data types. |
GE | is greater than or equal to | The first value must be greater than or equal to the second value. This operator is not used with Boolean data types |
SMATCH | string match | The general pattern of the first value must match the general pattern of the second value. The value can be included anywhere in the string. With this operator, character case is ignored so that "redone" is considered a match for "RED*." |
NSMATCH | not string match | The general pattern of the first value must not match the general pattern of the second value. The value can be included anywhere in the string. With this operator, character case is ignored. For example, a first value of "Red Robbin" and a second value of "rE* rO*" would result in a FALSE comparison since the two are considered a match regardless of the difference in uppercase and lowercase characters. |
By default, 3DSpace is case sensitive, but this can be disabled by System Administrators. When case sensitivity is turned off, the following four case sensitive operators behave identically to their string match counterparts. |
MATCH | case sensitive match | The pattern of the first value must match the pattern of the second value. The value can be included anywhere in the string. This includes testing for uppercase and lowercase characters. For example, "Red Robbin" is not a sensitive match for the pattern value "re* ro*" because the uppercase "R" values will not match the pattern's lowercase specification. |
NMATCH | case sensitive not match | The pattern of the first value must not match the pattern of the second value. The value can be included anywhere in the string. For example, if the first value is "Red*" a second value of "red" would produce a true result because the lowercase "r" is not an exact match to the first value's uppercase "R." |
The following operators are used for searches on description or string attribute fields that contain more than 254 bytes of data. They do not have a symbol to represent them, and can be used only by typing in the Where clause dialog. For more information, see Searching Based on Lengthy String Fields. |
matchlong | case sensitive match for long data | Contains the specified value, in either the lxStringTables or the lxDescriptionTables. The search is case sensitive. To find all objects with the word "language" in the attribute Comments, and to ensure that both tables are checked, use attribute[Comments] matchlong "language" in the Where clause. Since the query is case sensitive, the query will not find objects with "Language" or "LANGUAGE" in the Comments field. |
nmatchlong | case sensitive not match for long data | Does not contain the specified value, in either the lxStringTables or the lxDescriptionTables. The "n" is for not match. The query is case sensitive. To find all objects that do not contain the word "Language" in the attribute Comments, use attribute[Comments] nmatchlong "language" in the Where clause. Since the query is case sensitive, it will find objects with "Language" or "LANGUAGE" in the Comments field. |
smatchlong | string match for long data | Contains the specified value, in either the lxStringTables or the lxDescriptionTables. The search is NOT case sensitive. To find all objects with the word "Language" in the attribute Comments, and to ensure that both tables are checked, use attribute[Comments] smatchlong "language" in the Where clause. Since the query is not case sensitive, the query will find objects with "language", "Language" or "LANGUAGE" in the Comments field. |
nsmatchlong | not string match for long data | Does not contain the specified value, in either the lxStringTables or the lxDescriptionTables. The search is NOT case sensitive. The "n" is for not match. To find all objects that do not contain the word "language" in the attribute Comments, enter "language" for the value. Because the query is not case sensitive, it would not find objects with the word written as "LANGUAGE" or "Language" in the Comments attribute, as well as those that did not contain the word at all. |
To find objects where a particular property is non-blank, use a double asterisk. For example, if you want be sure that all objects in the result of your query contain a description, use this where clause:
where '(description=="**")'; |
There is a difference between where clause terms that can find an empty value in the database (empty terms) and those that find no data in the database (NULL terms).
A query with a where clause of the form 'selectable == ""'
returns objects where that term is an empty term, but not if that term is NULL.
where 'attribute[str] == ""'
only returns objects that have the attribute (either from their type definition or an applied interface) AND the value is empty.where 'from[RELTYPE].attribute[str] == ""'
only returns objects that have connections of that RELTYPE AND at least one of the connections has the attribute AND the attribute is empty.
where '[PROPNAME].value == ""'
only returns objects that have a project owner AND that project has a property PROPNAME
assigned AND the value of the property is empty.
Matchlist Expressions
Expressions can use two keywords, matchlist
and smatchlist
, which enable you to specify a list of strings on the right-side of these keywords. These work the same as the match
and smatch
keywords except that an additional operand is used as a separator character for the list of strings. The format is:
is the list of strings to be compared-
defines the character that separates the list of strings. If no separator character is given, the first right-hand operand is treated exactly as match
and smatch
treat it, that is, as one string.
Following are some examples:
temp query bus Errata * * where "current matchlist 'Open,Test' ','";
temp query bus Errata * * where "attribute[Priority] matchlist '0,1,2' ','";
temp query bus Errata * * where "attribute[Notes] smatchlist '*Yin*,*Williams*'','";
The last query will find all Errata in which the names “Yin” or “Williams” are included in the Notes section, and the search will be case-insensitive.
In the above examples, a comma is specified as the separator character in the second right-hand operand. The first right-hand operand is treated as a list of strings delimited by this separator character.
expressions, you cannot use these characters as a separator character: * . \ (asterisk, period, or backslash)
If either left or right operand is a Select clause, the result of evaluating the operand is a list of strings. In all other cases, the evaluation of the operand just gives a single string. match
, smatch
, matchlist
, and smatchlist
are evaluated by a pair-wise comparison of the two lists. If any comparison yields true, then the result is true. Otherwise, it is false.
Searching Based on Lengthy String Fields
The Oracle database stores most string attribute values in the lxStringTable for the object’s vault. However, lxStringTable cannot hold more than 254 bytes of data. When a string attribute’s value is larger than this limit, the data is stored in the descriptions table (lxDescriptionTable), and a pointer to this table is placed in the lxStringTable.
When performing an “includes” search (using match operators: match, match case, not match, not match case) on string attribute values, the 3DSpace searches on both lxDescription and lxString tables only when the attribute involved is of type “multiline.” Also, if you use the equal operators (==, !=) and give a string of more than 254 bytes to be equal to, 3DSpace checks the values in the lxDescriptionTable only.
search on description or other string attribute values for given text, and to force the search of both tables, you can use the “long” match operators. These operators can be used in any expression (including the
clause entry screen).
Alternatively, you can include the
syntax in the Where clause, as shown below:
attribute[LongString].value ~~ “matchstring”
Boolean Expressions: BOOLEAN_EXPR
This form of query expression means that the query expression can be either a single arithmetic expression or a selectable business object property that yields an arithmetic expression. For example, assume you want to find a list of honor students. The criteria for honor roll might be described as:
where 'attribute[“Grade Point Average”]>=3.8' |
When this clause is processed, 3DSpace looks for all objects that have this attribute and includes the value of “Grade Point Average.” If the attribute is not found within the object definition or if the attribute value returns false when the Where clause is evaluated, the object is excluded from the query output. To include a selectable object property in a Where clause, you must use its proper name and notation.
You can obtain this by using the Print Businessobject Selectable command. For more information, see Select Clause. This command prints a list of all field names that can be used and indicates how they must be written.
A Boolean expression contains one or more comparisons. These comparisons return a value of TRUE, FALSE or UNKNOWN. For example,
UNKNOWN might be returned as a string by a string attribute. It could also be returned by a Program, since Programs can be invoked in Expressions and return a string.
Values for Boolean expressions can be True, False, or Unknown, and should not be confused with Boolean type attributes, whose values can be only True or False.
Mixed case (Unknown) and lowercase (unknown) are allowed.
The syntax for a Boolean expression uses two basic forms:
When using Boolean operands in expressions, you must specify ==TRUE or ==FALSE in the expression. The operand by itself will always evaluate to TRUE when used in conjunction with other SQL convertible query fields.
The first form of the Boolean expression assumes you have two Boolean values whose relationship you want to compare. While there are only three Boolean operators, there are multiple ways that these operators can be specified as shown in the Boolean Relationship table below.
When specifying a Boolean value in this form, follow the same syntax rules as for specifying a query expression. You can create long lists of Boolean expressions. For example, you could write Where clauses such as:
where 'type==Student && attribute[”Grade Point Average”]==4.0'
where 'current==“Initial Testing” && attribute[compound]==steel && attribute[weight] < 2.5' |
When MQL processes these clauses, it obtains the Boolean values for each field name and then evaluates the Boolean relationship. If the results of the evaluation are true, the object is included in the query output. If false, it is excluded.
Boolean “and” can be represented:
Boolean “or” can be represented: OR
, or
Boolean “unknown” can be represented: UNKNOWN
, unknown
The following table shows the results for Boolean relationships:
Boolean Relationship | Results |
The second form of the Boolean expression assumes that you have a single Boolean value. This value (represented by
) can be operated upon to yield yet another Boolean value. The unary Boolean operator is the NOT operator. This operator causes the 3DSpace to use the opposite value of the current Boolean value. For example, with the expression
, the final value of the Boolean expression would be False. The unary operator has three different notations:
yields a result of UNKNOWN
The one you use is a matter of preference.
Complex Boolean Expression
With the addition of comparative expressions, query expressions can become very complicated. You can specify any amount of search criteria. Only if all the criteria is met will the object be included.
The more criteria you list, the more difficult it is to maintain readability. Remember that you can use parentheses to help readability.
When MQL encounters a complex query expression, it uses the following rules to evaluate it:
All arithmetic expressions are evaluated from left to right and innermost parentheses to outermost.
All comparative expressions are evaluated from left to right and innermost parentheses to outermost.
All AND operations are evaluated from left to right and innermost parentheses to outermost.
All OR operations are evaluated from left to right and innermost parentheses to outermost.
For example, you might use the following query to find all Drawings connected to Assembly types that have not been released and have connections from Markups.
print query relationship;
query relationship
business * * *
vault *
owner *
where '(type==Drawing)
&& (relationship[Drawing].to.type==Assembly)
&& (current==Released)
&& (relationship[Markup].from.type==Markup)'; |
The type can be specified as part of the business object or in a Boolean expression.
If-then-else logic is available for Expressions. The syntax is:
term must evaluate to TRUE, FALSE, or UNKNOWN.
If the
term evaluates to UNKNOWN, it is treated as TRUE.
The if-then-else expression returns the result of evaluating
depending on whether or not
Only one of
is evaluated. So if the expressions have side-effects (that can happen since expressions can run programs), these effects will not occur unless the expression is evaluated.
eval expr ' if (attribute[Actual Weight] > attribute[Target Weight]) then
("OVER") else ("OK")' on bus 'Body Panel' 610210 0;
The substring operator works within an expression to provide the ability to get a part of a string; the syntax is:
The substring operator works as follows:
terms must evaluate to numbers that are positive or negative, and whose absolute value is between 1 and the number of characters in the string returned by
The numbers returned by these terms indicate a character in the string returned by
The characters are counted so that ‘1’ refers to the first character. A negative number indicates the character found by counting in the reverse direction. So ‘-1” refers to the last character.
The substring operator returns the part of the string returned by
consisting of the characters from the
character to the
character, inclusive.
evaluates to a character that is after the character indicated by
, an empty string is returned.
To obtain the last 4 characters of a 10-character phone number, use:
eval expression 'substring -4 -1 attribute[Phone Number]' on bus Vendor 'XYZ Co.' 0; |
Where Clause and Patterns Criteria on Selectables
You can include additional criteria (Where clause and name patterns) to refine the returned list of items when using the person.assignment, parent, and ancestor selectables. The syntax allowed in brackets follows the conventions set by similar functionality for the “relationship” keyword on business objects.
If the string in brackets has a bar character (|), the text before the bar is treated as a pattern (string with wildcard and/or a comma-separated list) and the text after the bar is treated as an expression that acts as a Where-clause.
If the string in brackets does not have a bar character, the entire string is treated as a pattern.
For example:
temp query bus Part * * where 'context.user.assignment[r*|isarole].name==organization'
This returns all Part objects that have their
set to any roles assigned to the context user that begin with 'r'.