Implications of Changing Stores

There may be times when you need to create a new store to replace an existing store. For example, the existing store may be running low on space. When you change to a new store, you also need to change the store defined by all policies that save files to that store.

When you replace a store, you also need to change the policies that reference the old store and have them reference the new store. That way, all new files that are checked into objects governed by the policies will be placed in the new store. For more information, see Monitoring Disk Space.

The old store will still be used because files checked in before the policy change will still reside in the old store. Also, if these objects are revised or cloned, the new revision/clone references the original file and its storage location. When the reference is to become an actual file, (as when the file list changes between the two objects), the file copy is made in the same store as the original file.