For more information, see validate Command. Validate Store Using an Input FileFor multiple directory stores/locations (the default for captured and hashed stores), the input file can be created from the captured store directory using the following command from the store directory on Unix: find -type f -print For example, your file might look like: ./00/b3/00b30d7774254606.b27 ./0036a01d.6ff ./01/11/01119e1b826a714e.0fb From a DOS prompt on Windows, the input file can be created from the output of: dir /s /b /a-d And to send the output to a file: dir /s /b /a-d > c:\temp\files.txt On Windows you need to remove the drive and store directory from each file listed. For example, for a store named “distribs” you might have output similar to: D:\distribs\00\b3\00b30d7774254606.b27 D:\distribs\0036a01d.6ff D:\distribs\01\11\01119e1b826a714e.0fb You would need to search on “D:\distribs\” and delete. Once the input file is created, System Administrators can use the following command:
The Validating That a File Exists in the FCSYou can use the Validate Store command to verify that a file exists.
Validating Orphan Files in FCSOrphan files could sometimes exist due to an unsuccessful delete. You can search for the orphan files, and you can delete those files. This command does not operate of files less than 24 hours old to avoid problems with newly checked-in files that do not yet have a database record.
Monitoring Disk SpaceAs a System Administrator, you should monitor the disk space available to your stores carefully. If disk space is running low, you could simply change the path or host of the store, but then you would have to move all checked-in files to the new directory, or users would receive errors when trying to access the files. A better solution is to change the store that the policies use. To replace an existing store:
New files checked into objects governed by these policies will be put in the new store. Files that were checked in previously can still be checked out and opened for view, but if new files are checked in, the new store is used. For more information, see Implications of Changing Stores. |