When using Intersect 3D Elements, keep in
mind the following:
You can apply Relimitation ,
and Chamfer
on intersections.
A canonicity detection is performed on projected curve according to
the app tolerance, in other words the app tries to
recognize sketcher elements like line or conic curves.
Due to the canonicity approximation changes may occur in resulting
projected curve types.
If no canonicity has been detected the curve is projected as is.
Intersected element are associative apart in the case of a multiple
distinct marks.
A mark composed of several associated elements is managed as a single
curve (you can constraint it).
If you apply the Parents/Children... command to a sketch
containing an intersection obtained after selecting a face or an edge,
the Parents command shows the last solid feature that modified
the intersection geometry. To see an example of this, see
Parents/Children paragraph of
Projecting 3D Elements onto the Sketch Plane.
If you isolate a composite mark, as many simple geometry elements as
the mark was containing are created, associativity will not be available
If the intersected geometry is a plane face and there is no
intersection between this face and the sketcher plane, the resulting
intersection is an infinite line.
No Canonical Curve
option is unavailable when editing a use-edge mark of composite curve type,
indicated by
in the tree.