Replacing Geometry

When replacing a geometrical element with another one in the Sketcher app no modification occurs in the 2D. Only the 3D geometrical elements which used the replaced 2D geometrical elements is modified.

This task shows you how to replace a Sketcher element with another one.

Before you begin: Create a rectangle, then extrude it to create a pad and fillet any of its edges.
See Also
Deleting Sketcher Elements
  1. Right-click the element to be replaced and select object > Replace...

  2. In the Replace dialog box, select Line.1 as the replacing element.

  3. Click OK to confirm the change.
    A new panel appears, displaying the orientation of the previous sketch.

  4. Optional: Click the green handless to change the orientation of the sketch to the old one.
  5. Click Exit.
    The pad (created via the 2D geometry) is modified accordingly.

  6. Close the document and reopen it and add a three point arc to the geometry.

  7. Select the Line.1 object > Replace... from the context menu.
  8. Select the arc created as the replacing element.
  9. Select Delete replaced elements and exclusive parents.
  10. Click OK to confirm.

  11. Click Exit .
    The pad is modified accordingly.