Column Filters

You can filter the validation data using filters on columns of the table.

See Also
Global Filters
About Validation Data

The following table shows the filter state of a column with respect to the icon displayed it its header cell.

Icon in Header Cell Description
No icon The column cannot be filtered in its current state.
Tip: To apply filter to this column, right-click the header cell and select Add Filter.
The filter on the column is not active.
The filter on the column is active.
Filters on columns can be of two types, string filters or choice filters. Click the filter icon in the header cell of a column to access these filters.
Tip: Some layout options and filter states are saved. For example, the current states are saved for global table filter, hidden columns, sorted columns, and filters on each column.

String Filters
String filters accept string as search query. You can select one of the following filter criteria.
Option Description
Starts with Displays rows whose cell value starts with the specified string.
Ends with Displays rows whose cell value ends with the specified string.
Contains Displays rows whose cell value contains the specified string.
For advanced filtering, you can use AND and OR operators.

Choice Filters
Choice filters accept categorical values. You can choose values from the list of proposed categories.
Note: These filters are available only on Validation State and Maturity State columns.