Positioning the Product Structure Elements

You can change the positions of elements at different levels of the product structure, associated with thereview.

Before you begin:
  • Create a review associated with a product structure.
  • Create at least one slide or a format.
  • Click Preferences and specify the required preference under Move. For more information, see Table 11.
    Note: Editing this preference does not impact the previously selected levels set using the level selector. You can change the level using the level selector anytime.
  1. Select the context and on the context toolbar, click Level Selector to choose the required level of the product structure.
  2. On the context toolbar, click Move .
    A Robot and a message box appear in the 3D area.
  3. Drag the robot and place it on the product structure element to be moved.

    • You can also move several elements using the robot.
    • You can move the element back to its original location, using the Reset To Local Coordinates command on the context toolbar.
    • You can also switch to the required level of the product structure, while moving any of its elements, using Level Selector .

  4. Click OK in the message box at the top of the 3D area or press Enter to save these new positions of the moved elements.

    Note: If you click Cancel in this message box or press Esc, all the moved elements are moved back to their earlier positions.

    The new positions of the elements are saved in the current slide or format.
    Note: You can cut, copy, paste, or remove these new positions of the product structure elements in other slides and formats.