Name |
The name of the exception. |
Title |
The title of the exception. |
Rev |
The revision number for the exception. |
Ver |
The version of the exception. |
Type |
The type of exception: IP Exception or Security
Exception. |
Actions |
The actions available for the exception, such as
Subscribe or Upload. |
Description |
The description of the exception. |
Class |
The class title of the exception. |
Effective From |
The date from which the exception is effective. |
Effective To |
The date to which the exception is effective. |
State |
The current lifecycle state of the exception: Inactive,
Active, or Archived. |
Number of files locked/number of files checked into the SED.
Click the hyperlink to view the list of files. |
Listing of routes created for approval. |
Opens the exception properties in a new window. |