Importing Classes and Subclasses

You can import security classes and subclasses from an Excel file to a security library or security class.

On the cloud only: You can import 10 classes at one time.

Required access role:

  • Baseline: Leader

Before you begin: A valid XLS file is required. For more information, see XLS File Structure.
See Also
IP Protection Classes
  1. Open an export control library or class. For more information, see Opening an IP Protection Library or Opening a Security Class.
  2. From the Classes tab of the library or the Subclass category of the class, click > Import.
  3. From the Import Class dialog box, choose the XLS file to import.
    Field Description
    Title The title of the class.
    Type The type of object.
    File Click Choose File to select the .xls file to import. For more information, see XLS File Structure.
    Owner The user importing the class.
  4. To validate the contents of the file, click Validate.

    This action generates a log file, xlsfilename_validateLog.txt, in the Downloads directory to verify that empty fields and special characters are not present in the file.

  5. Click Import.
    The valid classes are imported. A dialog box opens displaying the number of classes successfully imported.
  6. Click OK.

The imported classes display on the Classes tab of the security library and the imported subclasses display on the Subclass page of the security class.