Creating Security Rules

Creating a security rule involves defining an expression for the rule.

Required access role: Leader

Note: Creating and editing security rules is supported on mobile devices.

Before you begin: Make sure IP Protection Management is the active app.
Note: Follow normal practices for any mathematical expressions. The expressions should follow best practices of the simplest expressions using parentheses and operators while avoiding using NOT.
See Also
Security Rules
  1. In the navigation pane, click IP Protection Security Rules.
  2. From the toolbar, click Create.
  3. Enter the following information:
    Field Description
    Name Enter a name or select Autoname.
    Type Security Rule is the type of object.
    Rule Classification Select one of the following: Organization or Skill.
    Description Enter a description for the security rule.
    Expression Click the following expressions to define the rule.
    Add Expression Searches for the organization or skill by title and adds the selected object to the expression.
    Move Up Moves up a particular expression in a list of expressions.
    Move Down Moves down a particular expression in a list of expressions.
    Remove Removes a selected expression.
    Clear Clears the complete expression text area.
    Validate Validates the expression before submitting the security rule form.
    Note: The validate action is optional. The expression will be evaluated once you click OK.
  4. Click OK.