Exception Properties

The Properties page for an exception lists details of the exception.

Required access role:

  • Baseline: Leader

To access this page, open the exception. For more information, see Opening an Exception.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:


Field Name Description
Name The name of the exception.
Type The type of exception.
Revision Revision level of the exception.
Title The title of the exception.
Description The description of the exception.
State The current lifecycle state of the exception.
Class The title of the class.
Effective From Exceptions must have a date that specifies when the exception will be effective for use.
Effective To Exceptions must have an expiration date.
Export Occurrence Limit The number of export occurrences related to the exception.
Export Occurrences The number of exports that have occurred.
Contract Identification The contract identification related to the exception.
Owner The user who owns the exception.
Originator The user who created the exception.
Originated The date the exception was created.
Policy The IP Security Exception governs the lifecycle states for the exception. The User Requested Exception policy governs the lifecycle state for the user requested exception.

Actions/Toolbar Commands

Action Description For More Information
Edit Details Edits the details of the exception.
Record Export The Record Export action is visible when the exception is in the Active state. Creating Export Records