Export Control Exceptions

The Export Control Exceptions page displays a listing of exceptions.

To access this page:

  1. Make sure IP Export Control Management is the active app.
  2. In the navigation pane, click Export Control Exceptions.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:


Column Name Description
Name The name of the exception.
Title The title of the exception.
Rev The revision number for the exception.
Ver The version of the exception.
Type The type of exception.
Actions The actions available for the exception, such as Subscribe or Upload.
Description The description of the exception.
Class The class title of the exception.
Effective From The date from which the exception is effective.
Effective To The date to which the exception is effective.
State The current lifecycle state of the exception: Inactive, Active, or Archived.
Number of files locked/number of files checked into the SED. Click the hyperlink to view the list of files.
Listing of routes created for approval.
Opens the exception properties in a new window.

Actions/Toolbar Commands

Action Description For More Information
Create Export Control Document Creates a new export control document from the export control class. Creating an Exception
Delete Deletes the selected object.