Home Page

Document Management includes lists of documents, and provides access to the document content and details.

This page discusses:

Start New Activity Panel

The Start New Activity panel lets you create a new document. For more information, see Creating Documents.

Access Your Work Panel

You can click to collapse this panel into a vertical bar that shows only the icons. You can then click to reopen the panel.

Category Description
My Documents Lists the documents that you own, including Controlled Documents.

This list does not include Controlled Document Templates.

Favorites Lists documents you have marked as a favorite document. To designate a document as a favorite, click Add or remove from Favorites from the actions for the document.
All Documents Lists all documents that you have a minimum of read access to, including documents owned by other users.

Icon Toolbar

You can use these actions on the icon toolbar for any of the lists:

Action Description
Information Open and close the information panel.
Expand/Collapse Expand or collapse the panel.
Data Grid view

Thumbnail view

Small tile view

Shows the current view. Click to select the other view.
Sort by Shows the current sort method, and lets you choose another sorting option. You can sort the list by any of these fields:
  • Title
  • Name
  • Maturity
  • Modified Date

For the data grid view, you can click a column name, then the icon to reverse the order of sorting based on the values in that column.

Upload You can upload a document.
Add You can add to favorites.
Remove You can remove from favorites.
Share You can share documents.

List View

You can click any column header to sort by that column in ascending or descending order.

Column Description
Title The title of the document.
Name The name of the document.
Menu The actions available for this document. For more information, see Actions.
Type The type of document, such as Document or Controlled Document.
Collaborative Space The collaborative space that owns the document.
Revision The current revision of this document.
Is Latest Revision Shows a check mark if this is the latest revision of the document.
Locked Status If you locked the document, it shows a green key and your name.

If someone else locked the document, shows a red lock and that person's user name.

Hover over the cell to view the full name of the person who has the document locked and the list of files in the document.

Note: You cannot use Document Management to add more than one file to a document. However, someone could use Collaboration and Approvals to add multiple files to a document.

Owner The person that owns the document.

If 3DSwym is installed, the name shows as a link that opens the person's profile.

Maturity Current maturity state.

For documents that use the Document Release policy, these are the possible states:

  • Private
  • In Work
  • Frozen
  • Released
  • Obsolete

For Controlled Documents, these are the possible states:

  • Draft
  • In Work
  • In Approval
  • Approved
  • Released
  • Superseded
  • Obsolete

Modified Date The most recent date that someone modified the document.

Thumbnail and Small Tile Views

The page shows each document as a tile that includes these items:

  • Thumbnail or icon
    • If an image file is checked in, the thumbnail of that image.
    • If multiple images files are checked in, the thumbnail of the most recently modified image.
    • If no files are checked in, a default image indicating an empty document.
  • Document title

    If the title is too long, you can hover over the truncated title to view the complete title.

  • Owner's picture (if available) and name

    If 3DSwym is installed, the name shows as a link that opens the person's profile.

  • Current maturity state
  • Actions available for this document. For more information, see Actions.
  • Modified date for the most recent modification

Managing Columns

Document Manager lets you arrange the columns in the table view. Any changes made in one view are used for all views. To arrange columns, you can use any of these techniques:

  • Drag a column to any location on that side of the slider.
  • Move the column to the other side of the slider. To do so, right-click the column header and select Pin Columns > Pin to Left or Pin to Right and the app moves the column to that side of the slider.
  • Remove the pin location (right or left of the slider) of the column. To do so, right-click the column header and select Pin Columns > No Pin. The column returns to its default location.
  • Hide or show a column. To do so, click anywhere in the column headings. Visible columns show with a gray background and a blue bar; hidden columns show with a white background. Click the column name to switch in between hidden and shown.


You can perform several actions on a document. You can access the available actions in these locations:

  • In the table view, in the Actions column
  • In the thumbnail or small tile view using
  • In any view, select a document and the actions are available in the icon toolbar.

You can only perform these actions on a single document. You cannot select multiple documents for these actions.

Action Description
Preview Uses 3DPlay to show the content page of the document. A message displays if the 3DPlay does not support the document's format.
Edit Locks the document and downloads the file to your computer. Not available if you or someone else has locked the document.

The app shows your name in the Locked Status column with a green key, indicating that you have locked this document.

If a document contains multiple files, clicking Edit shows an error. Document Management prevents you to create or edit documents with multiple files. You can use Collaboration and Approvals to work with documents that contain multiple files.


Only shows if you previously selected Edit for the document. Lets you upload the edited file. The app creates a new version of the file and removes the lock from the document:

  1. Click Select File.
  2. Use the browser search dialog box to select the required file. If you select a file with a different name than the one you downloaded, the app prompts you to confirm your choice.
  3. Enter comments about the edits made.
  4. Click OK.

Undo Edit Only shows if you previously selected Edit for the document. Removes the lock for editing without uploading a file.
New Revision Creates a revision of the document containing the latest version of the files included in the document.
Note: You cannot use Document Management to add more than one file to a document. However, someone could use Collaboration and Approvals to add multiple files to a document.
Maturity Modifies the maturity state of the selected objects.
Share Provides share capabilities such as:
  • View
  • Read
  • Manage
  • Edit
Copy Link Copies the URL to the document to the clipboard, and you can paste the URL as required, such as in an email message.

When someone with permissions to the document clicks the link, Document Management opens showing the Preview (content page) of the document.

Add Favorite Marks this document as a favorite so that it shows in the list of Favorites.
Remove Favorite Unmarks this document as a favorite; it no longer shows in the list of Favorites.
Relations Opens Relations showing objects related to this document.
Expand/Collapse Expands or Collapses data for viewing preferences
Download Downloads the file to your local computer. If the document contains more than one file, the app downloads all the files in a zip file.
Information Slides the information panel into view. You can also open/close the information panel by clicking the icon. For more information, see Information Tabs.
Delete Deletes the document and the file it contains. You must confirm that you want to delete it.