Information |
Opens the information panel for the object
with these tabs:
- Properties. Lists the properties
for the object. The fields that display depend on the
object type.
- View. If available for the object
type, shows a preview of the object.
- Relations. Uses the Relations
app to list the objects related to this one. For more
information, see Relations.
Open With |
Lets you open the object in other compatible
apps. |
Preview |
Only available for documents. Opens the
document for viewing. Click X to close
the preview window. |
Edit |
Only available for documents. Locks the document and downloads the file to your
computer. Not available if you or someone else has locked the
document. |
Update |
Only available for documents. Only shows if you previously selected Edit for the
document. Lets you upload the edited file. The app creates a new version of the file
and removes the lock from the document:
- Click Select File.
- Use the browser search dialog box to select the required file. If you select
a file with a different name than the one you downloaded, the app prompts
you to confirm your choice.
- Enter comments about the edits made.
- Click OK.
Undo Edit |
Only available for documents. Only shows if you previously selected
Edit for the document. Removes the lock for editing
without uploading a file. |
Download |
Download the file to your computer. Only shows
if the content includes a file. |
Remove |
Remove the content from the route. |