
The Content tab lists all items added to the route. You can add more content to the route if you have read access to the content.

To access this tab:

  1. Open the required route.
  2. Click Content.

You can click to view the content in tiles, or to view the content in a grid. You can drag content from this tab to other apps.

This page discusses:

Tile View

Each tile shows this key information about the content:

  • Thumbnail
  • Content name
  • Current state of the content
  • Most-recently modified date
  • Actions. For more information, see Context Menu.

Grid View

The grid includes these columns. You can right-click in any row to open the context menu for that content. For more information, see Context Menu. You can also right-click on any column header to add columns and create custom views.

Column Description
Title The name of the content.
Name The system identifier for the content.
Type The type of content, such as Product or Document.
Maturity State Current state of the content.
Owner Owner of the content.
Modified The most recent date that the content was modified.
Creation Date The date the content was created.

Context Menu

You can select any of these actions from the context menu for content in the tile or grid view:

Action Description
Information Opens the information panel for the object with these tabs:
  • Properties. Lists the properties for the object. The fields that display depend on the object type.
  • View. If available for the object type, shows a preview of the object.
  • Relations. Uses the Relations app to list the objects related to this one. For more information, see Relations.
Open With Lets you open the object in other compatible apps.
Preview Only available for documents. Opens the document for viewing.

Click X to close the preview window.

Edit Only available for documents. Locks the document and downloads the file to your computer. Not available if you or someone else has locked the document.
Update Only available for documents.

Only shows if you previously selected Edit for the document. Lets you upload the edited file. The app creates a new version of the file and removes the lock from the document:

  1. Click Select File.
  2. Use the browser search dialog box to select the required file. If you select a file with a different name than the one you downloaded, the app prompts you to confirm your choice.
  3. Enter comments about the edits made.
  4. Click OK.

Undo Edit Only available for documents. Only shows if you previously selected Edit for the document. Removes the lock for editing without uploading a file.
Download Download the file to your computer. Only shows if the content includes a file.
Remove Remove the content from the route.


Actions Description
Add Content Search for additional content to add to the route. You can only add content that you have read access to.

You can also drag content from another widget and drop it into the Content tab.

The route creator can define the content of a route at any point up until the route is Finished. Route members with Add access to the route can add content, and members with Remove access can remove content as required until the route is Finished. The Members tab shows you what your access is.

Grid View / Tile View Switches between tile and grid view. The icon shows the current view. To change the view, click the displayed icon and select the required view.
Remove Removes the selected content. You must confirm that you want to delete the route.