For more information on customizing relations, see Customizing the View.
From the toolbar, click Customize Relations
From the Customize Relations menu, select Supplier
Item Qualification.
Select the relations to display.
You can display these relations:
- Qualification Target - the target that is being qualified. The relationship
between the General Qualification and Manufacturer Equivalent Type.
- Engineering Context - Context Engineering item used for Equivalent Qualification
between the Manufacturer Equivalent Item and the Engineering Item. The relationship
between the Equivalent Qualification and the Engineering Item.
- Qualification Prerequisite - Qualification Prerequisite. The relationship between
Context Qualification and Equivalent Qualification.
- Qualification Context - Context Plant, Context Project, or Context Product where
the target is qualified. The relationship between the Context Qualification and
Plant, Project, or Product.
Click Ok.
Based on your selection, the relationships between the objects