Inviting Members Using a .csv File

You can invite many users at a time and grant licenses in one-shot using a .csv file.

The pattern of input .csv file: user;rights;agreement;roles;mail;remove;passport;force;location.

location corresponds to the site chosen to provide the best performance for a given user.

  1. In the Import Members tab, click Invite Members.
    The Invite Members window appears.
    On the cloud only: If you have not selected the Allow administrators to grant roles without assigning the associated license option in the Configure Members Options tab of the Members Control Center app, the number of users is limited by the number of available roles. i.e. A Used: 81/200 indicates that eighty-one roles of the 200 that are available have already been used.
  2. In the Select a file to import field, click Browse to select the .csv file containing the list of users' email addresses along with the rights they are granted on the platform. i.e. administrator or member and employee or external users.

    Fields Values Description Default values


    3DPassport user id or email address

    User rights on a platform

    • "admin" and "1" values give admin rights
    • Any other value gives member rights (e.g.: empty, "member", "0")
    • "employee" or "0" values stand for employee
    • "contractor" or "1" stand for external users
    Any other value stands for employee.
    roles Roles trigrams along with their prerequisite roles when needed and custom roles/third party apps identifiers separated by a coma.

    Example for the Custom role and Third party app format : RAP-XXXXXXXX and MAP-XXXXXXXX.


    Getting started email notification:

    • "false", "no", "nomail" and "0" values disable the Getting started email
    • Any other value stands for enables the Getting started email (e.g.: empty, "true", "yes", "1")
    remove Remove/pseudonimize/delete the user from a platform:
    • "remove", "true", "yes" and "1" values allow to remove
    • "false", "no", "0" or leaving the value empty has no impact
    • "2" value allows to pseudonymize
    • "3" value allows to delete

      (use option "1" and "2" before using option "3")

    • You can only remove pseudonymized users.
    • you cannot remove users with locked licenses


    Update of user data by calling the Passport service:

    • “passport”, "true", "yes", "1" values update users data call the Passport service
    • Any other value such as "false", "no", "nopassport" and "0" has no impact.

    force synchronization of all mandatory parameters (id, uid, firstname, lastname, active, state, email, role, status)

    • Values such as “force”, "true", "yes", "1" allow to force synchronization
    • Any other value "false", "no", "noforce" and "0" has no impact
    On the cloud only: location
    ID of the location
    • null - default
    • APC2 – Beijing
    • EU2 – Dublin
    • USW2 – Los Angeles
    • APK2 – Seoul
    • AP2 – Singapore
    • APT2 – Tokyo
    • EUW1 – Europe
    • EU1 – Europe
    • APH1 – Hong-Kong
    • USE1 – New York
    • INDW2 – India
    • USW1 – San Jose
    • APH7 – Guangzhou
    • APS2 – Sydney
    • DSHQ1 – DSHQ
    • EUW6 – Jaipur
    On the cloud only: user location
    Administrator can choose the location site that would provide the best performance for the given user.

  3. Follow step three to nine of Inviting Members One by One.
  4. Click Invite.
    An Import has been created message confirms that the transaction has been launched.
  5. Optional: If you want to see the invitation status, select the batch report on the left pane.
    The report displays the status of the asynchronous transaction. If the status is Not Started, click Refresh to update the transaction status. If the transaction is finished without any error, the status is OK otherwise a KO status is displayed. If the transaction fails, check that all the information required has been provided.

The person's email address is added to the Members tab, with a Pending status flag. The new members receive a 3DEXPERIENCE platform - email Invitation containing the required links to access the platform and are granted the selected roles on the selected platform. To use the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, the members need a 3DPassport. If they already have one they can click the sign in here link. Otherwise, they have to create a new 3DPassport by clicking the create a new 3DPassport link. One email per platform invitation is sent to each member. If a member has been invited to several platforms, clicking a link in one of the emails or opening one of the 3DDashboard's URL gives him access to all the platforms. Only the email of the new member is displayed until he accepts the invitation. Once he accepts it, his name appears instead of his email. If you need to resend the invitation, click Resend Invitation at the bottom of the dialog box.

Note: The email sent when you click Resend Invitation does not contain the optional message that you can type the first time you invite the member.