The person's email address is added to the Members tab, with a Pending status flag. The new members receive a 3DEXPERIENCE platform - email Invitation containing the required links to access the platform and are granted the selected roles on the selected platform. To use the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, the members need a 3DPassport. If they already have one they can click the sign in here link. Otherwise, they have to create a new 3DPassport by clicking the create a new 3DPassport link. One email per platform invitation is sent to each member. If a member has been invited to several platforms, clicking a link in one of the emails or opening one of the 3DDashboard's URL gives him access to all the platforms. Only the email of the new member is displayed until he accepts the invitation. Once he accepts it, his name appears instead of his email. If you need to resend the invitation, click Resend Invitation at the bottom of the dialog box. Note:
The email sent when you click Resend Invitation does not contain the optional message that you can type the first time you invite the member.