Inviting Members One by One

You can invite new members to a platform by entering each member's information separately.

See Also
Inviting Members Using a .csv File
Customizing Roles and Licenses Assignment & Collaboration Principles
  1. From the My Platform or Members tab of the Platform Management or Members Management dashboard, click Invite Members.

    You can also invite members through the top bar: click > Members.

    The Invite Members window appears.
    Important: If you have not selected the Allow administrators to grant roles without assigning the associated license option in the Configure Members Options tab of the Members Control Center app, the number of users is limited by the number of available roles. i.e. A Used invitations: 81/200 indicates that eighty-one licenses out of the 200 licenses of the role that are available have already been used.
  2. In the Members tab:
    1. Type up to ten email addresses. To add several users use a semi-colon as separator or press the tab key.
      • To save time, you can copy/paste any of the emails already entered. For example, copy/paste then replace JohnSmith with the second email account without modifying the email domain.
      • To remove any of the email addresses, click X in front of the email.
    2. In the Company list, type up to 3 characters to display available companies and select a company.
    3. In the User rights list, select either of the following:

      Member to grant the new user members rights such as:
      • accessing to roles granted by the administrator
      • creating collaborative spaces and manage users of those spaces
      Administrator to grant the new user administration rights such as:
      • accessing the Platform Manager role (for more information, see Platform Management)
      • accessing to roles granted by themselves
      • creating collaborative spaces and manage users of those spaces
      Note: In virtual private cloud and on-premises environments, the new administrator becomes administrator of 3DPassport. For more information about 3DPassport administration, see Installation and Setup: 3DEXPERIENCE Platform: 3DEXPERIENCE Platform Administration: 3DPassport.
      External to add an external user as a member of the platform. Gives the right to access granted collaborative spaces and communities.

      Important: Each app can define different access rights or behaviors depending on these user rights. For more information, see the User Assistance of the given app.

    4. Optional: If you have purchased casual licenses, in the Usage type list, select Casual 40h/month instead of Unlimited which is the default value. Casual, members can use apps for 40 hours during a calendar month. You can switch them to unlimited later.
    5. Optional: Select the site location that provides the best performance for the given user in the Users location list.

      Note: The available locations are those selected in the Allow administrators to manage member's platform locations option in the Configure Members Options.

    6. In the Invitation Email language list, select the language that will be used in the invitation email.
    7. Optional: In the Personalized message section, type a customized invitation text. This text is sent in the email notification the user receives.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Optional: In the Available section of the Roles tab, select one to n roles in the list. You can narrow the list by typing the name of the role or option in the Search Roles field.
  5. Optional: Cloud environment only. If the Allow administrators to grant roles without assigning the associated license option has been selected in the Configure Members Options tab of the Platform Management dashboard, you can:
    • keep the Assign License option selected, to grant the license linked to the role or unselect it if you only want to grant the role without the linked license.
    • If the Assign License option above is selected, keep the Restrict Usage on this Platform option selected, so that the license cannot be used in another platform, or unselect it if you want to allow the license to be used in another platforms.
    Note: These options may be grayed depending on the roles types detailed below:
    • For a platform role (IFW Collaborative Business Innovator or CSV Collaborative Industry Innovator): you can assign or not the license and restrict it or not to the current platform. If you grant the two platform roles, they must have the same options. Moreover, as soon as the user has another role linked to the platform, the platform licenses must be granted to him.
    • For roles linked to the platform other than the platform roles: the corresponding licenses are automatically assigned to the user.
    • For roles not linked to a platform: you can choose to assign or not the corresponding license. This license cannot be restricted to one platform.
  6. Click Next.
  7. In the Available section of the Additional Apps tab, select one to n apps in the list. You can narrow the list by typing the name of the app in the Search Additional Apps field.

  8. Optional: If you want to modify your invitation, click on the number above the tab you want to modify.
  9. Click Invite.
    A message appears to confirm that the emails have been sent.

The person's email address is added to the Members tab, with a Pending status flag. If you have granted a platform role without a license, a appears along the email or name in his ID card. The new member receive a 3DEXPERIENCE platform - email Invitation containing the required links to access the platform and is granted the selected roles and/or options.

To use the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, members need a 3DEXPERIENCE ID. If they already have one they can click the sign in here link. Otherwise, they have to create a new 3DEXPERIENCE ID by clicking the Create your 3DEXPERIENCE ID link. One email per platform invitation is sent to each member. If a member has been invited to several platforms, clicking a link in one of the emails or opening the 3DDashboard's URL gives him access to all the platforms. Only the email of the new member is displayed until he accepts the invitation. Once he accepts it, his name appears. If you need to resend the invitation email, click Send Invitation in the More Options tab of the member's details.

Note: The email sent when you click Send Invitation does not contain the optional message that you can type the first time you invite the member.