- In the Members Control Center widget, select the Manage Requests sub-tab.
Click the request in the list.
The role request is displayed along with the name of the member and the number of
licenses available in your platform.
You can click
to display the
role details. For more information, see Viewing Roles Details
You can click on the highlighted member's name to display the member's details. For
more information, see Viewing and Editing Members' Details
to search a
specific requester or role.
to display
All or to filter Accepted,
Pending, Refused roles.
- Click Accept or Refuse.
In some cases the Accept button may be greyed. That is because the requested role contains two or more roles that you can select separately.
If you clicked Accept, the role is granted. If you clicked Refuse, the request is cancelled. In both cases, the user who requested the role receives a notification.