Name |
Name of the ECA |
Description |
Description of the ECA |
Abstract | Abstract of the ECA |
Maturity | Maturity of the ECA |
Priority | Priority assigned to the ECA |
Responsible | Owner of the ECA |
Organization | Organization to which the ECA belongs |
Collaborative Space | The Collaborative Space of the ECA |
Planned Start Date | Planned Date of Start for ECA |
Actual Start Date | Actual Date of Start for ECA |
Planned End Date | Planned Date of End for ECA |
Actual End Date | Actual Date of End for ECA |
Delinquency Interval Time | Delinquency Interval Time for ECA |
Duration Time | Time needed to complete the ECA |
Creation Date | Timestamp of the ECA's creation |
Collaborative Policy | Collaborative Policy of the ECA |
Lasts Modification | Timestamp of last modification of the ECA |
Due Date | Due Date of the CA |
Actual Completion Date | Date of the CA's actual completion |
Actual Start Date | Date of the CA's actual start |
Severity | Severity of the CA |
Title | Title of the CA |