Change Legacy Tab

The Change Legacy tab contains information about legacy change objects associated with the selected object. These legacy change objects cannot be created or edited. They exist from a previous release of the software or a previous change management implementation. They are supported until they reach the Completed or Canceled state (for ECRs) or the Implemented or Canceled state (for ECOs) in their lifecycles.

See Also
In Other Guides
Change Request Tab
Change Orders for an Object

Do one of the following:

  • From the My Changes category, select the Change Legacy tab.
  • In the navigation pane of an object with legacy change objects, select Change Management, then select the Change Legacy tab.

From the toolbar, select either an ECO or ECR view from the Change Type filter:

You may see fewer columns, depending on from where you accessed the page.
Display NameName of the change object
RevisionChange object revision number or code
TypeChange object type or subtype
DescriptionDetails about the change object
StateCurrent state of the change object in its lifecycle
ModifiedDate the change object was last modified
OriginatedPerson who created the change object
OwnerPerson responsible for the change object