Change Request Tab

The Change Request tab lists the change requests (CR) associated with the selected object.

To access this page:

  1. Open an object associated with a CR.
  2. In the navigation pane, select Change Management.
  3. Select the Change Request tab.

This page discusses:

See Also
Change Requests Page
Change Orders for an Object
Change Legacy Tab


Columns Description
Name Name of the CR. Click to go to the Properties page.
Change Action Name of the change action associated with the CR. Click to go to the Properties page.
Status Icon representing the approval status of the change action.
State Status of the change action:
  • Draft
  • In Work (not late)
  • In Work (late)
  • Completed (on time)
  • Completed (late)
Type Change request type or subtype
Contributor Person assigned to complete the change action
Start Date Date from which changes will be in effect
Planned End Date when the change order should be completed
Requested Change Operation that the change action is to perform on the proposed change
Change Comments The comment or reason for the requested change
Organization Business organization where the change request was raised
Related CO Any related change orders
Approver Person responsible for impact analysis and technical approval of the work on the change action
Approver List Route template that contains the list of people responsible for reviewing and promoting the CR from the Evaluation Review state to the In Work state
Description Details about the CR


Field Description For More Information
Add to Existing Change Request Adds the object to an existing CR.
Note: An object cannot have more than one active CR assigned to it. You must complete the CA for any currently assigned CR before adding another.
Predefined Queries
Add to New Change Request Creates a CR and adds the object to it.
Note: An object cannot have more than one active CR assigned to it. You must complete the CA for any currently assigned CR before adding another.
Creating a Change Request
Remove Remove the relationship between the selected proposed changes and the CR, but does not delete the items from the database.

Removing a proposed change from a CR or CO does not delete any CAs that may be attached.
