Creating a Change Request

You can create a change request (CR) to request a change to an object such as a model, product, program, project, or part.

Required Access Roles:

  • Baseline: Reader
  • App-specific: Any user

See Also
Change Requests Page
  1. Do one of the following:
    • Click > Change > Create Change Request.
    • From My Changes > Change Requests tab, click the Create New icon, , in the toolbar.
  2. Add details:

    Attribute Description
    Type Click to select a change request type or subtype
    Policy The policy is Change Request
    Description Type details about the requested change
    Reason for Change Describe why the change is needed
    Organization Shows your company . Click to change. Search results include all organizations to which you belong.
    Reported Against The top-level item (Model, Product, Program, Project, Part, etc.) for which the change is requested.
    External Choose an object that is external to your system and add the object as a top-level item for which the changes is requested. Select from each list to display the objects from which to choose. Your selection will appear in the Reported Against field.

    Note: This function is available only if an external change management system is integrated with the Create Change Request slide-in.

    Change Coordinator The change coordinator to be assigned to the CR.
    Change Decomposition Only the Change Coordinator can modify this field. Select Enable to create multiple change orders for the change request. See About Change Decomposition.
    Category of Change Category to which the CR belongs.
    Severity Select Low, Medium, or High
    Approvers Click to select the route template that specifies the users who are responsible for reviewing and approving the request. You can select only approval-based route templates.
    Note: Select a list whose approvers are listed by name (not by role, group, etc.)
    Informed Users Click to select a member list, which includes users to be notified when the change request is complete.
    Estimated Start Click to select the date when the review should start.
    Due Date Click to select the date when the review should be completed

  3. Click Done.