Creating a Change Order

You can create a change order to define a change to be made.

Required Access Roles:

  • Baseline: Leader
  • App-specific: Any user

See Also
Change Orders in My Changes
  1. From the topbar, click >Change > Create Change Order.
  2. Enter information below as required. Type-ahead can be used for fields that require you to select from a chooser.

    Field Description
    Type Click to select the change order type or subtype. The default is based on the change order template.
    Title Enter a title for the change order.
    Description Type details about the change order.
    Organization Your company is the responsible organization . If you select a change template, this shows the company from the template. Click to change. Search results include all organizations to which you belong.
    Reported Against Click to select the item against which the change was reported. Change Management supports item types such as: Part, CAD drawing, CAD Model, Drawing Print, Products, Builds, and Part Specification. Other installed apps may also add Controlled Documents, and Requirements.
    External Choose an object that is external to your system and add the object as a top-level item for which the change is requested. Select from each list to display the of objects from which to choose. Your selection will appear in the Related Scope field.

    Note: This function is available only if an external change management system is integrated with the Create Change Order slide-in.

    Change Coordinator For formal policy change orders, click to select the person responsible for the assessing and completing the change order. Search results show all users in the organization who have the Change Coordinator role. You must the change coordinator before the change order reaches the Evaluate state. From the Evaluate state on, the Change Coordinator is the change order owner.
    Category of Change Select the category to which the change order belongs.
    Severity The severity of the requested change.
    Due Date Select the date by which you want the change to be completed.
    Approvers Click to select the route template that lists people who will approve and promote the change order from the In Approval state to the Completed state.
    Note: Role-based approval routes are not supported for change objects. Select an approval route in which the approvers are listed by user.
    Informed Users Click to select a list of users who will be notified that the change order is released.
    Extended Attributes Dynamic attributes that are shown only if you have added attributes to the related change template.

  3. Click Done.