Change Coordinator
For formal policy change orders, click to select the person responsible for the assessing and
completing the change order. Search results show all users
in the organization who have the Change Coordinator role.
You must the change coordinator before the change order
reaches the Evaluate state. From the Evaluate state on, the
Change Coordinator is the change order owner. |
Title |
Modify the title of the change
order. |
Type details about the change order.
Organization |
Your company is the Responsible
. If a
change template is selected, it shows the company from the template. Click
to change. Search results include all
organizations to which you belong.
Reported Against
to select the item about which the change was
Category of Change
For change orders that use the Formal
Change policy, select the category to which the change order belongs.
Low, Medium or High
Approver List
For change orders created using the Formal Change policy, click to select the route template that contains the list of
people who are responsible for reviewing and promoting the
change order from the Evaluation Review state to the In Work
state. Note:
You can select user or group based approval
route templates.
Formal Approval List
For change orders created using the Formal Change policy, click to select the route template that contains the list of
people who are responsible for approving and promoting the
change order from the In Approval state to the Completed
state. Note:
You can select user or group based approval
route templates.
Informed Users |
to select a member list, which includes users who
are notified when the change order is released.
Extended Attributes
Dynamic attributes that are shown only
if you have added attributes to the related change template.