Managing Configurations

Exalead CloudView has a versioned configuration. When you save a modification in the Administration Console, the new configuration does apply immediately to the running instance. Instead, you can find it in the configuration store. When you apply the configuration, it applies to all running components.

You can make configuration changes using:

  • The Administration Console web interface (http://<HOSTNAME>:<BASEPORT+1>/admin)

  • Manually via:

    • the API Console (http://<HOSTNAME>:<BASEPORT+1>/api-ui)

    • the XML configuration files (<DATADIR>/config directory)

Using either of these tools, changes are submitted to master and slave hosts once you apply changes to the existing configuration.

Note: Very few configuration changes need a global restart. If required, you receive a request to do so.

In this section:

How Saving and Applying Changes Work
Compare Configuration Versions
Roll Back to a Previous Configuration
Apply Changes When Exalead CloudView Has Stopped