Add a related terms block list or allow list

To define a related terms block list or allow list, you only have to specify a language and a list of terms to block or allow in the dictionary.

Before you begin: To define a related terms block list or allow list, you must first have specified and enabled them on a target dictionary in the Administration Console. See Configure Related Terms and Similar Documents Detection in the Exalead CloudView Configuration Guide.
  1. In Semantic > Resources, select a related terms resource from the list of Resources.
  2. Click Import file.
  3. If you want to import the related terms block list or allow list from a CSV or Excel file, it should have 2 columns:
    • lang – the ISO code of the impacted language.
    • display form – the related term to block or allow from the dictionary.

    For example, for a recipe website, we want to block "Leave a reply" and allow "gaspacho soup". The related terms block list CSV file will look like: "language","display form" "en","Leave a reply". The related terms allow list CSV file will look like: "language","display form" "en","gaspacho soup"