Creating Dynamic Properties

A dynamic property allows you to map one or several metas to the same index field, based on the meta name.

This is useful when you do not know all the metas available in your data source. It also reduces the number of fields you need in the index.

For example, use dynamic properties to:

  • Map all meta names that start with the word item to an item field, when indexing a corpus of store inventory.

  • Map any meta name that includes the word price to a price facet, when indexing sales data.

    Note: Dynamic properties can generate alphanumeric fields, numerical fields, date/time fields, or category facets. When using date/time dynamic properties, the validation of the date/time format is performed according to the format specified for this dynamic property.

In this section:

Add a Dynamic Property
About Storing and Displaying Dynamic Property Fields
Store Properties in a Parent Class Dynamic Property
Search Dynamic Property Fields