matchOnSeparators |
Possible values:
true (default): synonym matching is punctuation
false : punctuation is ignored during matching. For example,
the synonym "twenty-seven" matches "twenty seven".
stopwordsResource |
Path to the compiled ontology containing stop words used at
build time when generating permutations and stop word-free forms. Default
value is resource:///stopwords/ontology.bin .
Exalead CloudView only provides French and English stop
You can use your own stop word resource by building an
ontology containing a package exalead.stop and the list of
forms for each language you want to support:
<Ontology xmlns="exa:com.exalead.mot.components.ontology"
<!-- this stopword list is used by the synonym compiler to generate
stopword-free forms and permutations for english and french synonyms -->
<Pkg path="exalead.stop">
<Entry lang="en">
<Form value="of" level="lowercase"/>
<Form value="the" level="lowercase"/>
<Form value="a" level="lowercase"/>
<Entry lang="fr">
<Form value="de" level="lowercase"/>
<Form value="du" level="lowercase"/>
<Form value="la" level="lowercase"/>
</Ontology> |
permutations |
Possible values:
true : For each synonym, extra forms made of word
permutations are added. Before computing permutations, stop words are
removed. For example, the synonym "lyrics of the song" matches "song
false (default): Word permutations are not added.
addStopwordFreeForms |
Possible values:
true : For each synonym, an extra form (from which stop
words have been removed) is added.
false (default): Extra forms are not added.
expression specified by the user
Expressions that are matched to the originalExpr .
Possible values:
true , synonym searching works in both directions: queries
using originalExpr return documents including
alternativeExpr , and vice versa.
SynonymToSynonymSet , when you search for one of the
alternativeExpr expressions, the query also expands with
the originalExpr .
SynonymSetToSynonym (or false , kept for
backward compatibility), when you search for the
originalExpr , the query is expanded respecting the
alternativeExpr order.
(optional) This attribute specifies which form must be matched. For more
information, see Available Matching Normalization Levels.
For example, if you use a lemmatizer and want your synonyms to match
lemmatized forms, set this attribute in your SynonymSet
objects to lemmaSingular .