Use Multiple Pipelines with Conditions

In the data processing configuration, you can have several analysis pipelines. Multiple pipelines allow for different processing depending on the document. Each pipeline has an associated condition, to determine which pipeline processes the document.

The order of document pipelines in the data processing configuration is important. As soon as a document pipeline is found with a valid accept condition, the document is dispatched to this pipeline.

See Also
The Analysis Pipeline Sequence of Processors
Use a Single Pipeline with Groups of Processors
Multiple Pipelines vs. Single Pipeline with Groups
Testing your Analysis Pipeline Behavior
  1. Go to Index > Data processing > Analysis pipelines.
  2. Expand the Condition section of an analysis pipeline, for example ap0.
  3. Click Add condition.
  4. Set the analysis pipeline condition.

    Condition applies to...



    The document metadata name equals of matches the specified name, and if its value:

    • Exists
    • Equals the specified value
    • Contains the specified value
    • Matches the specified value
    • Does not exist
    • Is not equal to the specified value
    • Does not contain the specified value
    • Does not match the specified value

    Custom Directive

    The document contains the specified custom directive set to the specified value.

    Data model class

    The document belongs to the data model class specified in your connector. This is controlled by the Connector > Configuration > Store documents in data model class parameter set on your connector.

    If your connector does not specify a default data model class, this condition does not work.

    Document source

    The document comes from the specified connector source.

    URL match

    The document URL does or does not match the specified regular expression.

  5. Test that your condition works as expected. See Testing your Analysis Pipeline Behavior.
  6. Add as many conditions as required.
  7. Click Save.