Use a Single Pipeline with Groups of Processors

To avoid multiplying pipelines and therefore simplify the administration of the data processing configuration, you can also choose to group processors sharing a same trigger condition (typically on document source) within a same pipeline.

Using a single pipeline with collapsible groups of processors and sets of conditions is much easier to control and maintain.

See Also
Use Multiple Pipelines with Conditions
The Analysis Pipeline Sequence of Processors
Multiple Pipelines vs. Single Pipeline with Groups
Testing your Analysis Pipeline Behavior


Important: Some processors have dependencies, so be careful to make consistent groups including these dependencies. For example, the html relevant content extractor depends on the native text extractor, and both must therefore be included in the group to get a correct processing.

  1. Go to Index > Data processing > Pipeline Name > Document Processors.
  2. Drag the Other > Document Processor Group processor to the pipeline.

    This processor acts as a container for other document processors.

  3. Drag other document processors into the Document Processor Group processor.

    You can sort these processors as required using the up and down arrows.

    Note: To create subgroups, drag a Document Processor Group processor within the Document Processor Group container.

  4. Optionally, you can add triggering condition on the:
    • Document Processor Group processor so that its list of processors is executed when the specified condition is met (if any).
    • Processors contained in the Document Processor Group processor.

    Note: Icons flag processors with conditions.

    Important: Document processing performance is linear depending on the number of conditions used in the pipeline. Use Equals conditions instead of Matches conditions in the Add condition dialog box.

  5. Click Save.