Configuring the Connector in HTTP REST Mode

This connectivity mode requires the deployment of a Standalone Agent on ENOVIA Central. It does not require any ENOVIA jars (nor JPOs jars).

Before you begin:
  • The Standalone Agent must be deployed on ENOVIA Central. See Appendix - Installing the ER Agent on ENOVIA.
  • Get the ER Agent URL.
  • Check that the ER Agent is up and running. Open the following URL:


    If you get an error, this means that the agent is not running or badly configured.

  • You must have an ENOVIA login and password. To use the Standalone ERAgent, you need an internal account, for example, creator.
  • If you have a previous installation of the Legacy ENOVIA SBA Connector, remove all ENOVIA jars (including JPO jars) from the Exalead CloudView javabin directory and restart the Exalead CloudView instance.
  • If using HTTPS with self-signed certificate, install the certificate into the Exalead CloudView java trust store before configuring the connector. For more information, see the Exalead CloudView Installation Guide.
See Also
Connectivity Modes
Appendix - Configuration Parameters
  1. Register your ENOVIA security certificate:
    1. Connect to your ENOVIA server and retrieve the security certificate from your Web browser.
    2. Connect to your Exalead CloudView host and import the e4all certificate on your trusted store.

      In your Exalead CloudView <INSTALLDIR>, run the following command:

      <INSTALLDIR>\amd64-win64\java-jre\bin\keytool.exe -importcert
       -file passport_file -alias passport.cert -keystore dataDir/security/trusted.servers.ks

      When asked for the trusted store password, enter exalead.

      When asked if you really want to import the certificate, enter Yes.

  2. Open the Administration Console.
  3. Go to Connectors and click Add connector:
    1. Enter a descriptive name for the connector.
    2. From Type, select the ENOVIA ER connector.
    3. Click Accept.
    The connector Configuration tab opens.
  4. Expand Connection parameters and for:
    1. Component class name, select On premise.
    2. Connectivity mode, select REST.
    3. URL, enter: http(s)://<ER_AGENT_HOST>:<ER_AGENT_PORT>/enovia-agent
    4. Login, enter the crawling account login.
    5. Password, enter the crawling account password.
  5. Click Check connectivity to run the connector’s connectivity test.
    If the connection is successful, a green "OK" message displays. Otherwise, a message in red indicates what is wrong.
  6. Expand Query parameters and specify the Business Objects to index.
  7. Click Save and Apply.

You are now ready to index. See Controlling the Connector.