Top level configuration class(es)

A configuration class defines a list of configuration properties that can be used by a component.

See Also
About the CVPlugin public class
Top level component class(es)
Setter/Getter methods

The framework will usually:

  • manage the serialized configuration (as an XML object),

  • unserialize it,

  • create an instance of the given class, and allow you to edit its properties,

  • handle the configuration of components from the Administration Console.,

  • etc.

The exact workflow is specific to each component type. For example, some component types may not have any configuration at all.

A configuration class must implement the empty CVComponentConfig (com.exalead.mercury.component.config.CVComponentConfig) interface to be accepted as a valid configuration class.


  * The configuration class for the filesystem connector.
@CVComponentDescription("Filesystem simple demo (java)")
public class DemoFileSystemConnectorConfig extends ConnectorConfig
     private File startingFolder = null;

     public void setStartingFolder(final File startingFolder)
         this.startingFolder = startingFolder;

     public File getStartingFolder()
         return startingFolder;

       * Optional method listing all option names as they will be displayed in the UI
     public static String[] getMethods()
         return new String[] { "StartingFolder" };
Note: An additional static method named getMethods may be defined in a configuration class, to return properties in a specific order. This method should be public, taking no argument, and returning an array of String corresponding to the ordered property names.

Example :

public static String[] getMethods()
         return new String[]{"Proxy", "ProxyPort"};
Table 1. Top level configuration additional interfaces



CallAfterFill (com.exalead.config.bean.CallAfterFill)

Allows you to define a callAfterFill() observer method to be called upon filling.

This method is used to perform specific post-actions related to filled properties.

This interface is not required to get a working configuration.

CVComponentConfigSamplify (com.exalead.mercury.component.config. CVComponentConfigSamplify)

Allows you to define a samplify() method, that will be called when a sample object is requested by the framework.

This method is used to fill properties with a real-world example. For example, a Hostname property may be filled with myhostname

The following example shows the CVComponentConfig class using the samplify method.

package com.exalead.connectors;

import com.exalead.papi.framework.connectors.ConnectorConfig;
import com.exalead.config.bean.ConfigurationException;
import com.exalead.config.bean.IsMandatory;
import com.exalead.mercury.component.config.CVComponentConfig;
import com.exalead.mercury.component.config.CVComponentConfigSamplify;

public class SamplifyConnectorSampleConfig
extends ConnectorConfig
implements CVComponentConfigSamplify {
    public void setPrimaryServer(final WebServer primaryServer) {
        this.primaryServer = primaryServer;
    public WebServer getPrimaryServer() {
        return this.primaryServer;

    public void setSecondaryServers(final WebServer[] secondaryServers) {
        this.secondaryServers = secondaryServers;
    public WebServer[] getSecondaryServers() {
        return this.secondaryServers;

    public void samplify() {
      // samplify is called after the config instantiation.
      // Thus there will be a default value for the primary server name
      // but it won't appear when adding a new secondary server

      // a webserver is made of a server name and a network port
      public static class WebServer {
        public void setServer(final String server) {
            this.server = server;
        public String getServer() {
            return this.server;

        public void setPort(final int port) {
            if (port < 0 || port > 65535) {
                final ConfigurationException e =
                        new ConfigurationException("Invalid network port: " + port);
                throw e;
            this.port = port;
        public int getPort() {
            return this.port;

        public static String[] getMethods() {
            return new String[] {

        private String server;
        private int port;

    private WebServer primaryServer = new WebServer();
    private WebServer[] secondaryServers;

    public static String[] getMethods() {
        return new String[] {

The UI should be similar to the following screenshot: