Possible values include:
string for generic string,
numeric for a signed long integer value,
enum:value1,value2 ... for a selection
restricted to certain values.
encrypted for values that shall be
encrypted, such as passwords.
hidden for values that must not be
displayed/edited at all. Consider using
@IsHiddenUI instead.
@Connector (com.exalead.config.bean.Connector)
Displays a combo box to list configured connectors. The list of connectors can be restricted with the following flags:
allowSelf : if the component describes a connector, it indicates whether this connector is included in
the combobox (default is false).
allowDeployed : indicates whether deployed connectors are listed (default is true).
allowUndeployed : indicates whether undeployed connectors are listed (default is true)
allowUnmanaged : indicates whether unmanaged connectors are listed (default is true)
allowManaged : indicates whether managed connectors are listed (default is true)
allowedClassId : a regular expression to filter by connector classid.
If the regular expression is an empty string, then all connectors are listed.
forbiddenClassId : a regular expression to exclude connectors by classid.
allowEmpty : adds an extra empty option in the combo box. Property value will be "" when this option is selected.
@DataModelClass (com.exalead.config.bean.DataModelClass)
Displays a combo box to list available classes in all configured data models.
The data models to search classes in can be restricted with the following options (both options are mutually exclusive):
dataModel : only list classes of the given data model.
buildGroup : only list classes of the data model referenced by the given build group.
@Date (com.exalead.config.bean.Date)
Displays a calendar to configure the property field.
The property field will be stored as a string formatted with the date format specified in the annotation.
Default date format is: @Date(format=“yyyy-MM-dd”)
Example: If you add a startDate field with
public void setStartDate(String startDate) {
this.startDate = startDate;
The UI will display: Start date: [calendar widget]
And when dates are saved, they will be stored with the yyyy-MM-dd date format.
@DateTime (com.exalead.config.bean.DateTime)
Same as @Date with time information.
Default datetime format is: @DateTime(format=“yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss”)
The given setter takes only a subset of String
representations (enum) as value.
@EnumFieldType(possibleValue = {
@PossibleValueType("blue") })
in @PossibleValueType you can associate a label to each value.
@IsHidden (com.exalead.config.bean.IsHidden)
The given setter is to be ignored. For example, you can use
it if the function is not part of the bean setter subset.
The given setter property should not be editable or
displayed, but must still be processed as a regular property. Use it to hide
internal properties.
If the associated boolean is
true , then the given setter property must be
defined (non-empty unserialized value) so that the configuration can be
considered as valid.
Otherwise, the property will be considered as optional.
Note: Without this annotation, the default is mandatory.
@MultiLineString (com.exalead.config.bean.MultiLineString)
Displays a multi-line text input control.
@Path (com.exalead.config.bean.Path)
Displays a file chooser widget, that browses
Exalead CloudView host filesystem.
The property description, as a string. Typically displayed
for comment or tooltip. It supports text only, no HTML code.
@PropertyDescription("Define the hostname to be used
for the proxy")
The property label, as a string. Typically displayed for
short name.
@PropertyLabel("Proxy hostname")
@SecuritySource (com.exalead.config.bean.SecuritySource)
Displays a combo box to list configured security sources. The list of security sources can be restricted with the following flags:
allowSelf : if the component describes a security source, indicates whether this security source
is included in the combobox (default is false)
allowDeployed : indicates whether deployed security sources are listed (default is true)
allowUndeployed : indicates whether undeployed security sources are listed (default is true)
allowedClassId : a regular expression to filter by security source classid.
If the regular expression is an empty string, then all security sources are listed.
forbiddenClassId : a regular expression to exclude security sources by classid.
allowEmpty : adds an extra empty option in the combo box. Property value will be "" when this option is selected.
@WithSuggest (com.exalead.config.bean.WithSuggest)
Displays a text input that performs remote queries to suggest entries.
In order to remote suggestions to work, the CVComponent must support SuggestOption queries. Here is a full example:
Component config class:
MyComponentConfig extends ConnectorConfig {
private String folder;
public void setFolder(String folder) {
this.folder = folder;
Component class:
supportedQueries = {@SupportedQuery(queryClass = SuggestOption.class)})
class MyComponent extends Connector {
Introspector class:
class MyComponentIntrospector implements CVComponentIntrospector {
public Object execute(CVComponentConfig componentConfig, IntrospectionQuery query) throws Exception {
if (query instanceof SuggestOption) {
SuggestOption suggestQuery = (SuggestOption) query;
SuggestOption.SuggestResult result = new SuggestOption.SuggestResult();
// disambiguate by field name if you have several fields annotated with @WithSuggest
if ("Folder".equals(suggestQuery.getConfigKey())) {
String currentValue = suggestQuery.getCurrentValue();
MyComponentConfig myConfig = (MyComponentConfig) componentConfig;
String[] suggestedValues = ...;
return result;
throw new IllegalStateException("Unknown introspection query");