
The methods for the SyncedEntriesIterator are the following:

   SyncedEntry   next()
   SyncedEntry[] nextBatch(int count)
   void           close()
  • The next method returns the next document of the iteration, or null if the end of the iteration has been reached.

  • The nextBatch method returns the maximum number of documents allowed of the iteration, or less if the end of the iteration has been reached.

  • The close method is used to close the iteration. The close method must be called to release resources dedicated to the iteration within the Indexing System and inside the Helper.

The SyncedEntry object contains:

Table 1. Data types




A URI is an opaque string that uniquely identifies the document from the connector point of view.

See also URI.


See Stamps.


A boolean that is true if the entry refers to a directory, false otherwise.

class SyncedEntry
  String   getUri()
  String   getStamp()
  bool    isFolder()