Observing the Processors' Consumption

This task shows you how to:

Get a Global View of the Consolidation Server Processors

  1. Go to the Monitoring Console.
  2. Expand <HOSTNAME> > Services > Exalead > Consolidation > cbx.

    The graphs show you:

    • In Latency – the duration of the overall consolidation job and the duration for each processing phase in seconds.
    • In Volume – the overall number of documents treated by the consolidation job and the number of documents that went out of each processing phase.
    • You also have separate folders containing the details of each processor used by the Consolidation Server, if perfMonitored="true" in the ProcessorConfig defined in the API Console. See Get a Finer Debugging Granularity on a Specific Processor).

Using the graphs, you can spot which processing phase takes too long to perform its job, and if the number of documents going out of it is not consistent.

Check If the Consolidation Storage Compact Works Properly

  1. Go to the Monitoring Console.
  2. Expand <HOSTNAME> > Services > Exalead > Consolidation > cbx > Compacter > Slot counts.

    If the number of slots for the object graph store and the number of slots for the document store, exceeds 100 slots or keeps growing, start a full compact operation on the Consolidation storage, as explained in the following steps.

  3. Go to the API Console.
  4. Select Manage.
  5. Search for compactStorage and:
    1. Specify your instance name.
    2. Click Send.
  6. Restart Exalead CloudView processes
    1. Search for the restartHost method
    2. Click Send.

Get a Finer Debugging Granularity on a Specific Processor

  1. Go to the API Console.
  2. Select Manage.
  3. Search for setConsolidationConfigList and:
    1. For one processor, define perfMonitored="true" as attribute. For example:

      <conso:AggregationProcessorConfig perfMonitored="true" enabled="true" 
      code="process(&quot;&quot;) {&#xA; yield it&#xA;}" mime="text/x-groovy" name="default"/>

    2. Click Save.
  4. Restart Exalead CloudView processes
    1. Search for the restartHost method.
    2. Click Send.
  5. Go to the Monitoring Console.
  6. Expand <HOSTNAME> > Services > Exalead > IConsolidation > cbx.

You now have monitoring logs specific to the processor specified in step 3.