Linux Requirements

For security and stability, do not install Exalead CloudView on the root directory, nor run Exalead CloudView as the root user.

This page discusses:


The Linux-based PC server must meet the following requirements:

  • The server must be up-to-date with all operating system patches.

  • Data files must reside on an EXT3, EXT4, or XFS file system.

  • The VM space must be unlimited. Verify the current value in the console: ulimit -v

  • The numbers of threads must be at least 2048. For example, nproc > 4096. For more information, see Increase the nproc Limit.

  • The hard limit for maximum number of file descriptors per process must be at least 32768.

    If you receive the Too many open files in system error, modify the ulimit. For more information, see Increase the nofile Limit.

  • To index documents correctly in Linux installations that do not use UTF8, such as C and ISO-8859-1, set the LANG environment variable to UTF-8 encoding.

    For example:

    • For American English: $ export LANG=en_US.UTF-8

    • For French: $ export LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8

    • For Japanese: $ export LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8

    Recommendation: Use en_US.UTF-8 encoding for reporting purposes.

Warning: does not work if the OS is set up in FIPS mode, typically to conform with the US government security practices. This is because it uses MD5 as a standard hash function and not for cryptographic purposes.

Increase the nproc Limit

  1. To find out the current nproc value, in the console type: ulimit -H -u
  2. Add the following line to /etc/security/limits.conf (global config file): * hard nproc 4096

Increase the nofile Limit

  1. To find out the current value, in the console type: ulimit -H -n.
  2. Add the following line to /etc/security/limits.conf: * hard nofile      32768

Java versions

The supported Java version is Java 11 (or higher). You must install it and make it the default (JAVA_HOME).

Verify that the “java -version" and the variable JAVA_HOME point to the same Java 11 installation.